Inclusive spaces

The five UWA libraries include a range of spaces intended to support all UWA students for success, with comfortable facilities and specialist equipment.

Resource rooms and accessibility

The University Library provides Resource Rooms in the Barry J Marshall and Reid libraries to students who have registered with UniAccess. These rooms provide a range of facilities which support students with a disability or medical condition.

More information on these facilities and the assistance and services available can be found on our Accessibility page.

Sensory room


Library sensory room

The Library’s Sensory Room is designed to provide a safe space for students with neurodevelopmental needs. It was made possible through an alumni ‘student activate’ grant and contains sensory regulation equipment to assist neurodiverse students to optimise their wellbeing and academic performance. This includes:

  • Earplugs
  • Mints and scents
  • A weighted blanket
  • Rainstick
  • Beanbags
  • Stationary
  • Sensory items

Neurodiverse students registered with UniAccess can book the room which is located on the eastern side of the Reid Library 1st floor.

Parents room

    There are three dedicated spaces in UWA libraries to support parenting students and staff to study, work and collaborate

    with a range of facilities for children and breastfeeding.


Access to the Parents Rooms

UWA staff and students can request access to the parents rooms by email or by visiting the library in person, providing the following evidence:

  • Staff or Student ID

Plus one of the following:

  • Birth certificate(s) of child/children
  • Passport(s) of the child/children
  • Child/children present with the applicant (in person application only)

Access will be via Campus Card and will last for 12 months from the date of application. Please see library staff if you wish your access to be extended after expiry. A parent/guardian must accompany children under 15 at all times on campus. Parents/guardians should supervise use of equipment and toys in the Library Parents Rooms. Toys may not be safe for all ages.

Barry J Marshall Library Parents Room, First Floor
  • Two computers for study
  • Screened-off area with a comfortable chair for breastfeeding or expressing milk
  • Fridge for temporary storage of milk and baby food
  • Toys and children’s books
  • Easy clean floor mats
  • Baby change facilities in a nearby universal access bathroom
Reid Library Parents Room, First Floor
  • Two feeding booth chairs, with inbuilt privacy, an adjustable arm rest and foot stool
  • Study space for up to 12 students or staff (BYO devices)
  • Children's playpen, desk and chairs, books, toys, crayons
  • Easy clean floor mats
  • Fridge for temporary storage of milk and baby food
  • Hot and cold water, sink
  • Microwave
  • Baby change facilities in the nearby universal access bathroom
J Robin Warren Library Parents Room, Ground Floor
  • Comfortable chairs for breastfeeding or expressing milk
  • Fridge for temporary storage of milk and baby food
  • Baby change facilities

Baby change facilities

Baby change facilities are located in:

  • Barry J Marshall Library: Unisex toilet, First Floor (room 120)
  • Reid Library: Unisex toilet, First Floor (room 105)

Welcoming the LGBTIQA+ community

As a proud member of the Welcome Here Project, UWA Library is dedicated to creating welcoming spaces for the LGBTIQA+ community. Members of the Welcome Here Project display rainbow stickers in a prominent place to let everyone know that the LGBTQIA+ community is welcomed and celebrated within their business. You’ll see ours at the entrance to each of our Libraries.

1) Welcoming and Respecting All:
We warmly welcome and respect the LGBTIQA+ community. The Library recognises the range of pronouns associated with gender diversity and respects people’s right to use pronouns that affirm their identity. Our staff proudly display their pronouns in email signatures and wear pronoun pins, to demonstrate our commitment to using correct pronouns, and to support others to use their pronouns too.

2) Building Positive Change:
We believe in the power of positive change. Our staff undergo Ally Training to better support our LGBTIQA+ community members and encourage positive social change.

3) Celebrating Diversity:
We celebrate diversity by participating in significant events like Wear it Purple Day and other moments that matter to the LGBTIQA+ community.


Stay in touch

Contact us to receive help and support from our friendly, knowledgeable staff. 


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