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combined bachelor's

Human Rights and Commerce

Equip yourself for the challenges of the 21st century with our combined bachelor’s degree in Human Rights and Commerce. You’ll graduate with two degrees in just four years, a Bachelor of Human Rights where you will take a defined study plan and a Bachelor of Commerce where you’ll choose a major from a wide range of options.

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Combined Bachelor of Human Rights and Commerce 

Quick details

Course code
TISC code
February and July
4 years
Minimum ATAR or equivalent
English Language Competence and any prerequisites indicated against your chosen individual majors.

Related study areas


Why study this course?

UWA is the only university in Western Australia that affords undergraduate students the opportunity to undertake a full program of study in human rights. Combining this with Commerce and you will have the knowledge and skills to tackle some of the greatest challenges facing the world. You will graduate with two qualifications, having cut two years off the time it takes you to study two degrees. If you decide either degree isn't right for you, you can exit one and complete the other.

What will I learn?

The Bachelor of Human Rights provides an understanding about real-world human rights challenges from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. This will give you the capacity to approach complex social and political problems from a range of perspectives.
Combine this with a Bachelor of Commerce where you will develop your analytical, communication and problem-solving skills, providing you with a global perspective on business and preparing you to pursue a career within the business, government or not-for-profit sectors.
The Bachelor of Human Rights and Bachelor of Commerce will set you apart from the competition and prepare you for a future-proof career. 

Course structure

You can combine the following extended major from the Bachelor of Human Rights with one of the following Commerce majors:

Human Rights major:

Commerce majors:

You can also include minors and elective units in your degree. Learn more about what makes up your degree with Our Courses Explained.

Careers and employability

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Human Rights and Bachelor of Commerce are well placed for the job market with their ability to apply human rights principles to contentious social and political questions combined with the specific knowledge in a variety of business-related functions.

Potential jobs

  • Accountant
  • Ambassador
  • Business development manager
  • Economic analyst
  • Journalist
  • Management consultant
  • Market analyst
  • Policy and planning manager
  • Politician
  • Public policy/public service adviser

Fees and scholarships

Domestic Students - Full Fee Paying (FFP) & Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP)

The Annual Fee is an estimate only based on a standard annual study load of 48 points (courses may teach up to 72 points in a year).

For Full Fee Paying places, students are charged an annual course fee. Visit the Fee Calculator and select your course type to find out more.

Student contribution amounts are charged by unit. For a fee estimate, go to the Fee Calculator and select “I want to price my units”. Annual fees are subject to annual indexation.

Course credit points
Average annual fee - 2024

Typical fee range - 2024
$4,445 - $16,323

Domestic students who are eligible for a Commonwealth-supported place can use the HECS-HELP loan scheme to pay their tuition fees.


International Students - onshore

Annual course fees are calculated based on a standard annual study load of 48 credit points.

Course credit points - 2024
Total course fee - 2024



Scholarships are available to students from a diverse range of backgrounds, including academic achievement, financial need, educational disadvantage, leadership and community service, artistic or sporting achievements, and being from a rural or remote area.

Admission requirements

To be considered for this course you need to:

  • achieve a minimum ATAR of 87 or equivalent
  • demonstrate English language competence
  • satisfying any prerequisites for your preferred majors (refer to individual major descriptions for prerequisite details)

We offer a number of other pathways for you to gain entry into our undergraduate degrees if you do not meet the standard admission requirements. Find out the admissions pathways for School Leavers and Non-School Leavers.

Apply now

You can apply now directly to UWA.

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