The late Emeritus Professor John Jackson, who taught Economics in the (then) Faculty of Economics and Commerce from the 1970s and was appointed Dean of the Faculty in 1986, bequeathed $100,000 to The University of Western Australia ('the University') to establish the Emeritus Professor John Jackson Undergraduate Scholarship in Business fund to provide a scholarship to assist disadvantaged students at the University to undertake an undergraduate degree course leading to the Bachelor of Commerce degree, or a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) degree course with a Bachelor of Commerce degree specific major.
- Status Open
- Applications open 01/07/2024
- Applications close 08/11/2024
- Value $24,000.00
- Number offered 1
(a) be an Australian citizen or the holder of an Australian permanent residency visa (including a Humanitarian visa)
(b) have completed Year 12 studies or equivalent within two years prior to applying for the scholarship
(c) be a commencing student
(d) have accepted an Early Offer to the University, or applied through TISC for a place at UWA, nominating a Bachelor of Commerce as their first preference for the first round of offers;
(e) be experiencing financial hardship and
(f) be enrolled, or eligible to enrol
(i) full-time unless the selection committee is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances which preclude full-time enrolment and
(ii) in the Bachelor of Commerce degree course, or a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) degree course with a Bachelor of Commerce degree specific major.
To encourage disadvantaged students experiencing financial hardship to undertake an undergraduate degree course leading to the Bachelor of Commerce degree, or a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) degree course with a Bachelor of Commerce degree specific major, and assist them with the costs involved.