Advanced Structural Geology Field Excursion GEOSM503
This micro-credential provides professional geologists with an opportunity to build upon their existing knowledge and skills in structural geology on a field excursion focusing on the tectonic and metallogenic evolution of the Kalgoorlie Terrane (WA).
It is ideal for industry geoscientists seeking more advanced skills in field-based mapping, data analysis and interpretation of relevance to their current or future employment.
Upon successful completion, you'll receive:
- Three PD Points - stackable for unspecified academic credit in award courses
- A Certificate of Achievement
- A UWA Plus Professional Development Transcript, listing all successfully completed micro-credentials
- Delivery mode
- Onsite (F2F)
- Course dates
- [MC-3Q] 22 September 2025 - 26 September 2025

What you'll learn
Identify, describe and map and interpret structural features in the field.
Produce summaries of field data interpretations in graphical form.
Produce a structural synthesis of camp-scale structural evolution.

Why study this course?
This micro-credential provides a very practical approach to the application of structural geology to ore deposits. It is ideal for professional geoscientists seeking to advance their practical skills in field data collection (description, measurement), analysis and interpretation leading to synthesis via geological maps and cross-sections.
Recommended prior knowledge
GEOSM501 Advanced Structural Geology should be completed before undertaking this micro-credential.How does it work?
Students will be able to identify, describe and map and interpret structural features in the field, synthesise structural data at camp scale, and produce summaries of field data interpretations in graphical and written forms. Assessment of the learning outcomes is via production of geological maps, cross-sections as well as through the compilation of a summary table and short report depicting the structural evolution framing both Au and Ni mineralisation in the Kalgoorlie Terrane.
What's next after this course?
- Future study
- Completion of GEOSM503 and previously GEOSM501 leads to credit for MING5501 Applied Structural Geology on enrolment in the Master of Ore Deposit Geology at UWA.
Registrations are open
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