


UWA Plus micro-credentials are professional short courses that demonstrate your skills, knowledge and experience in a given subject area. Our micro-credentials focus on skills that are in high demand by employers and industry - complete a micro-credential for your professional development and improve your career outcomes.

Leap Program

These micro-credentials have been developed for the WA Department of Education Leap program to upskill teachers to teach at upper secondary level. For more information about the Leap program or to apply, click here.

Micro-credentials available:


Chemistry – Year 11-12

3d illustration of molecule model. Science or medical background with molecules and atoms. 

1. Atoms Materials and Reactions –

dates to be announced

Atoms, Materials and Reactions covers content found in Chemistry ATAR Units 1, 2 and 4.

This micro-credential comprises:

  • Duration is 5 weeks
  • Total volume of learning is 75 hours including personal study and working on assessment tasks
  • The first 4 weeks will be fully online
    • Lectures can be viewed asynchronously throughout the week.
    • The online quizzes will be completed at the end of each week.
    • There will be one online interactive workshop which teachers can attend if they have problems they wish to discuss. These will be timetabled after 3pm.
  • The final week, it is preferred that teachers attend campus for a one-day laboratory experience where they will design a laboratory for their year 11 or 12 students. However, if this is not possible, there will be an option for teachers to design the experiment at their school and send in a video to us of the experiment being performed so that we can assess it.
  • On-campus session: TBC

Upon successful completion of this micro-credential, you'll receive:

  • Three PD Points  - stackable for unspecified academic credit in award courses
  • A Certificate of Achievement
  • A UWA Plus Professional Development Transcript, listing all successfully completed micro-credentials

2. Equilibrium, Energy and the Environment – 

dates to be announced

Equilibrium, Energy and the Environment primarily covers content in ATAR Unit 3, with some Unit 2 components.

This micro-credential comprises:

  • Duration is 5 weeks
  • Total volume of learning is 75 hours including personal study and working on assessment tasks
  • The first 4 weeks will be fully online
    • Lectures can be viewed asynchronously throughout the week.
    • The online quizzes will be completed at the end of each week.
    • There will be one online interactive workshop which teachers can attend if they have problems they wish to discuss. These will be timetabled after 3pm.
  • The final week, it is preferred that teachers attend campus for a one-day laboratory experience where they will design a laboratory for their year 11 or 12 students. However, if this is not possible, there will be an option for teachers to design the experiment at their school and send in a video to us of the experiment being performed so that we can assess it.
  • On-campus session: TBC

Upon successful completion of this micro-credential, you'll receive:

  • Three PD Points  - stackable for unspecified academic credit in award courses
  • A Certificate of Achievement
  • A UWA Plus Professional Development Transcript, listing all successfully completed micro-credentials
coastal wind farm

Physics – Year 11-12


1. Relativity and Our Universe –

dates to be announced

In this micro-credential participants learn:

(a) the fundamentals of special relativity to a level where they can confidently solve numerical problems and explain apparent paradoxes;

(b) the concepts of general relativity including curved spacetime, gravitational time dilation; the Schwarzschild radius of black holes, the expansion of the Universe and gravitational waves;

(c) the assumptions and predictions of the Big Bang theory and the observational evidence supporting it;

(d) the concepts of the Standard Model of particle physics; and

(e) the evidence for the "Concordance Model" of the universe that includes dark matter and dark energy.

This micro-credential comprises:

  • Duration is 12 weeks
  • Total volume of learning is 75 hours including personal study and working on assessment tasks
  • Delivered fully online
  • There will be a completely asynchronous component, along with a synchronous set of teams-based live online workshops where students can Q&A. Participation in the synchronous online workshops is optional.

Upon successful completion of this micro-credential, you'll receive:

  • Three PD Points  - stackable for unspecified academic credit in award courses
  • A Certificate of Achievement
  • A UWA Plus Professional Development Transcript, listing all successfully completed micro-credentials 

2. Atoms, Photons and Quantum Physics –

dates to be announced


This micro-credential introduces the fundamentals of Quantum Physics along with an exploration of developments at the forefront of quantum technology and science, preparing secondary school teachers to both teach and inspire their students.

This micro-credential comprises:

  • Duration is 12 weeks
  • Total volume of learning is 75 hours including personal study and working on assessment tasks
  • Delivered fully online
  • There will be a completely asynchronous component, along with a synchronous set of teams-based live online workshops where students can Q&A. Participation in the synchronous online workshops is optional.

Upon successful completion of this micro-credential, you'll receive:

  • Three PD Points  - stackable for unspecified academic credit in award courses
  • A Certificate of Achievement
  • A UWA Plus Professional Development Transcript, listing all successfully completed micro-credentials 

Frequently asked questions

What are micro-credentials?

Micro-credentials are short courses. Successfully completing a micro-credential showcases mastery of specific skills, knowledge and/or experience in a given subject area or capability. Designed to meet students’ flexibility requirements, micro-credentials focus on skills that are in high demand by employers and industry, and provide the opportunity for you to update, upskill or reskill in specific areas. UWA Plus micro-credentials are delivered by UWA or by an external provider via an agreement with UWA.

Are micro-credentials right for me?

If you’re interested in upskilling in a specific area with the option of gaining university credit, micro-credentials may be right for you. Check the specific micro-credential listing for details.

How is a micro-credential different from other types of study?

Micro-credentials are short, specific courses designed to be stackable. They give you the flexibility to pick and choose what works for you, so you can complete a one-off micro-credential or stack multiple micro-credentials to convert to academic credit towards an undergraduate or postgraduate course.

What are ‘stackable’ micro-credentials?

Micro-credentials are ‘stackable’ because you can combine multiple micro-credentials that may be converted to academic credit towards an undergraduate or postgraduate course.

Why are micro-credentials valuable?

Successfully completing a micro-credential showcases mastery of specific skills or knowledge. Micro-credentials contribute to your skillset and employability, and create pathways for continued learning.