Developing your career

Your career journey starts now, while you’re studying! Finding your career path is an ongoing process and UWA has the programs, resources and support to get you started.

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Start your career journey

Exploring your skills, interests and long-term goals is the start of your career journey. Contact us at any point if you would like some help.

Diagram titled The process of career development with four points - self awareness, opportunity awareness, descision making, making transitions

Know yourself - being aware of what you’re good at, knowing what you like and don’t like, and understanding your personal qualities, values and interests is the first step in your journey. Check out the self-awareness module to learn more

Opportunities - Match your profile and job criteria against potential careers. Go to 'Job Search' module in EMPLOY101.

Decision making - Start to decide and review what ideas are viable and prioritise your options. Check out the Careers Guide for some extra inspiration. Go to the Career Plan and Decision Making module in EMPLOY101.

Making the move - Understand how to create, seek and secure job opportunities. Research and target the industry and employers you’re interested in. Ensure you take time to start developing a resume and LinkedIn profile. Your Careers Toolkit in EMPLOY101 will help with the job application process.

Your steps to success

UWA can help build your employability at each stage of your degree so that you graduate job-ready with a rich and well-rounded résumé.

Get career ready while studying

The Careers and Employability Award is a hands-on learning approach which will give you practical, real-world experiences, skills and knowledge to move you forward along your career path.

It’s open to all UWA students and is highly valued by employers.

What's in it for you?

  • Have a ready to go personalised Career Toolkit for your job search
  • Have access to career development and practical activities which will enhance employment and advancement potential
  • Find extra-curricular and volunteer activities that suit you
  • Become more actively engaged at UWA and the wider community
  • Network with key industry contacts
  • Be recognised by employers for your enhanced employability

Enhance your employability

Understanding yourself and the opportunities available, you may need to develop your knowledge, skills, experiences and attributes beyond what you've learnt in the classroom - in other words, to build your employability skills.

You can enhance your employability by joining the Award program or getting involved in any of the programs below.

Career Mentor Link

UWA’s Career Mentor Link will connect you with a professional in your chosen field or industry so you can learn from their experiences and start building your professional network.

  • Objectives

    This one-on-one mentoring program aims to:

    • support you to develop the skills to manage your career
    • give you an industry perspective to enhance your studies
    • prepare you for your transition to the workplace
    • establish a mutually beneficial relationship between you, your mentor and your chosen industry
  • Mentees

    Being a mentee allows you to access 'real world' insights from an industry professional. The mentoring relationship will focus on identifying your career goals and developing your job-seeking skills.

    This isn’t work experience or a paid employment opportunity.

    You’ll have the opportunity to:

    • develop practical skills and confidence to enter your chosen profession
    • build personal and professional networks • increase your understanding of the industry and gain exposure to current professional practices and trends
    • link academic study to industry realities
    • broaden your knowledge of the career options open to you
    • learn what employers are looking for when they hire graduates
    • practice the skills needed to access employment.

    A good mentee is…

    • open to new ideas, suggestions, and feedback
    • willing to have a go and try out different things
    • committed to self-development and achievement of career goals
    • able to give and receive constructive and honest feedback
    • skilled with good organisational and time management skills
    • prepared to take the initiative, to communicate needs, desires and expectations.

    As a Mentee you are (at minimum) expected to:

    • attend an introductory workshop, or read introductory material provided
    • attend the Launch event to meet each other (if both you and your mentor are in Perth).
    • maintain monthly contact by telephone, email, Skype or face-to-face meetings. If you and your mentor are both located in Perth, then you should have at least two face-to-face meetings over the duration of the program.
    • attend the end of program event (if both mentor and mentee are in Perth)
    • complete and submit a mid-program evaluation
    • complete and submit an end of program evaluation.

    Your responsibilities as a Mentee:

    • complete the Mentoring Agreement in conjunction with the mentor
    • agree on a regular, mutually convenient contact schedule
    • advise mentor if unable to attend scheduled meetings
    • observe confidentiality and personal / professional boundaries
    • be receptive to feedback and suggestions from the mentor
    • explore own strengths and weaknesses and set relevant goals
    • fulfil commitments as agreed or negotiate changes
    • complete and submit program reports and evaluations by due dates take up opportunities for networking and building professional relationships
    • contact the Career Mentor Link Coordinator if any concerns arise.

    Use your professional skills to mentor, support, guide and encourage UWA students.

    As a mentor you will be matched with a student whose career interests and study matches your skill set and experience.

    There are many benefits to being a mentor including:

    • gaining personal satisfaction from knowing you’ve made a difference to someone else’s career development.
    • enhancing your “personal skills” such as leadership and communication.
    • widen your professional networks.
    • hearing a fresh perspective from your mentee.
    • increasing your organisation’s profile at UWA.

    * Mentors can also be from outside of Perth and Australia.

    Mentor registrations are accepted throughout the year however matches generally take place during March only.

    Register now

  • Program Details & Applications

    Career Mentor Link program will be running from May to October.

    To be eligible to take part in Career Mentor Link, undergraduates must have achieved at least 48 credit points of study (equivalent to one year of full-time studies).

    Postgraduate students must be enrolled at UWA. The program is open to international and domestic students. The cost to participate as a mentee in the program is $20.

Check out the tools on CareerLab to help you get a job!

Look out for:

  1. CV360 Review
  2. Interview360 Practise

We’re still here after you graduate

Your UWA community is here for you for the long haul. We’ve got a huge range of resources that you can access as a UWA graduate to navigate your career. This includes accessing career events, workshops, job listings, networks, mentoring, podcasts, graduate authored articles and alumni profiles filled with great advice.

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