Make your mark at UWA
Volunteering is the perfect opportunity to make an impact while at uni. There are so many causes you can get involved with at UWA, and it’s a great way to meet people who share the same passions or interests as you. You’ll develop skills that’ll stand out on your resume, and your volunteer hours will be formally recognised on your Supplementary Transcript, helping your journey to your dream career.
Whether you volunteer to make someone happy or to make a difference, the skills you learn and connections you make through giving back are invaluable.Jenny Chang, UniMentor and Guild Volunteering AmbassadorYou can be a catalyst of change for the better and create social impact in ways that are meaningful to you.
With flexible opportunities for students and a sure chance to be inspired by those you meet along the way, there is no better time than now to volunteer.

Become a UniMentor
Remember those just-started-uni nerves? Now you can use your experience to help others settle in. Be connected with a first-year student in a similar degree to you and share your tips and advice on all things UWA. Sign up to be a UniMentor and become part of a fun, supportive community.

Student Ambassador Leadership Program
If you’re in second year or above, why not become a UWA Student Ambassador?
You’ll gain hands-on experience in leadership, project management and public speaking, while making new friends and enhancing your résumé.
You’ll also get the chance to speak to future students about your experience at UWA, lead campus tours, organise events and run activities for school groups.
Gain events experience
UWA Open Day
Thousands of prospective students flock to campus for Open Day each year, and we'd love your help. There are loads of opportunities to get involved on the day with managing tents, handing out brochures and answering questions.
Orientation Week
Help give new students a warm welcome to the UWA campus. Get involved before, during or after O-Week to help out with packing resources, managing venues and events, as well as supporting enrolment activities.
Contact us to register your interest.

Guild Volunteering
Volunteering through the Guild offers a simple way to get involved and make an impact in the wider community.
In partnership with Volunteering WA, we link you with not-for-profits that are changing lives every day.
Whether you’re passionate about animal welfare, homelessness, sustainability or something else, we’ll help you find an organisation that suits your interests.

Peer Educators
Gain first-hand experience working on health promotion initiatives through our Peer Educators program.
You’ll get involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of outreach events, and helping other students improve their wellbeing.

UWA Sport Brand Ambassador Program
Brand Ambassadors form an integral part of UWA Sport's Marketing, Communications and Events team and play a central role in promoting a healthy campus culture.
Gain leadership skills and marketing and communications experience, and meet like-minded students who are passionate about sport and fitness.
Equity outreach
Fairway UWA is an academic support program for Year 12 students who aspire to study at university beyond high school. It is an opportunity for students to become part of a supportive community, meet other high school students and get to know current UWA students who provide insightful mentoring about their own university experience. If you’re from a Broadway or Aspire school and would like to join the Fairway Ambassador program, email [email protected].
Aspire UWA works with 70 partner schools and communities in Perth and regional Western Australia to raise aspirations for tertiary education. We encourage students who would not normally consider university to see the benefits and opportunities that university study offers and our Ambassadors help students see that they too can aspire to tertiary education. If you went to an Aspire partner high school and are passionate about inspiring the next generation of students, email [email protected].
Girls in Engineering
The Girls+ in Engineering program inspires female students to take advantage of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) study and career pathways, focusing on areas of science where women are underrepresented. The program provides a cohort experience and support for women+ at UWA, and offers students regional travel opportunities, industry site visits and networking, paid casual work, professional development, and volunteering hours recorded on your academic transcript. If you would like to become a GiE Ambassador, email [email protected].