LGBTQIA+ Allyship in Sport Program
Creating safe, welcoming and inclusive environments within sport
About the program
The UWA Sport LGBTQIA+ Allyship in Sport Program aims to influence and create safe, welcoming and inclusive sporting environments for the LGBTQIA+ community.
In partnership with Pride in Sport, the LGBTQIA+ Allyship in Sport Program supports UWA Sport affiliated clubs on their journey to improve LGBTQIA+ inclusive practices and provide training to a nominated Club Ally.
Each club's nominated Club Ally will act as a leader for the development and support of LGBTQIA+ inclusion within their club.
Program aims:
- Create an established LGBTQIA+ Allyship in Sport program embedded within UWA Sport and Affiliated clubs.
- Increased awareness and support for issues impacting LGBTQIA+ individuals within UWA Sport-affiliated clubs.
- UWA Sport affiliated clubs to have one identified Ally within their club at the end of the LGBTQIA+ Allyship Pilot Program.
- To develop and host a visible network of sporting clubs and organizations working towards LGBTQIA+ Inclusion and active Allyship.
The program is funded through the YACWA (Youth Advisory Council of WA) LGBTQIA+ Youth Empowerment Grant.
Club Allies
Liam Di Girolami
UWA Athletics Club
Rebecca Travaglione
UWA Baseball and Softball Club
Erin McAllister
UWA Football Club
Taneesha Stallbaum
UWA Outdoor Club
Lydia Polglaze
UWA Rugby Club
Jennifer Hao
UWA Ultimate Club
Indigo Bew
UWA Volleyball Club
Current club actions
- LGBT Inclusion Audit
- Club Ally training delivered by Pride in Sport. LGBTQA+ Awareness Training, Empowering Allies Training, and Trans and Gender Diverse Awareness Training
- Action plans
- Pride rounds
- Increasing visibility (signage)