Centre for English Language Teaching
We provide high-quality English language teaching in a friendly and supportive environment at The University of Western Australia.

Courses, dates and fees
We have a variety of courses to help students with their English language skills which are held throughout the year.

English pathways to University study
UWA CELT offers two ways, or pathways, to improve English language proficiency to the level required by the University for entry into its undergraduate and postgraduate studies
I completed the 20-week BC course at UWA CELT in 2015 and am currently studying the Master of Translation Studies at UWA. It is a really useful and practical course. I acquired skills such as notetaking, paraphrasing, summarising and academic writing. These skills are necessary for your degree course and I would recommend the Bridging Course to any student!Monica, China

Useful links
Get in touch
Centre for English Language Teaching (M429)
Postal Address
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, Perth
Western Australia 6009
Physical Address
Corner Princess Road and Bay Road
Claremont, Perth
Western Australia 6010
(+61 8) 6488 3539
(+61 8) 6488 1077
Enrolments: [email protected]
Finance/Invoices: [email protected]
Marketing: [email protected]
Study Tours: [email protected]
Feedback: [email protected]
Office hours
8:00am - 4:00pm