Event details


Date and time

  • Friday 4 September, 1pm-2pm

Event type

  • Talk


Event Fee

  • Free


  • Registration required
Register via eventbrite

Friday Talk: Intrepid Expatriates The works of Agnes Goodsir and Romaine Brooks

Friday 4 September, 1pm-2pm


In the first few decades of the twentieth century an artistic community of lesbian expatriates flourished in Paris, their numbers small but their creative output far-reaching. In this talk Amelia Birch focuses on two of these artists, Australian-born Agnes Goodsir and American Romaine Brooks, exploring the significance of their lives and work and why their innovation deserves closer attention.

After working in theatre for several years in London, Amelia returned to Perth for further study and nicer weather. She is currently completing her Honours year in History of Art at UWA, where her research is addressing women’s self-representation through portraiture in the first half of the twentieth century.  

Campus Partner: History of Art, School of Design


Please note: in keeping with the University's guidelines, space is limited for this event and registration is required. Hand sanitiser will be available at the door and we ask that visitors observe social distancing. If you are feeling unwell, please cancel your booking on Eventbrite or notify our staff at [email protected].

Image: Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, photograph by Ilkka K Photography.