
Tools & Resources

Seeking expertise for business challenges or access to specialised equipment and facilities? Our Centre for Water and Spatial Science provides solutions focused on your needs and priorities, delivering tangible, evidence-based results.

We have established a centre with a rich history, legacy, and a proven record of successful delivery. We've assembled individuals with a remarkable history of effective collaboration and delivering high-quality work.

Consulting services

Are you seeking expertise to address a business challenge or boost your business capabilities? Do you require access to specialised equipment and spaces, such as laboratories and facilities?

At the Centre for Water and Spatial Science, we utilise our knowledge to provide solutions for your business problems. Our focus is on your needs and priorities, and we are committed to delivering tangible, evidence-based results.

Infrastructure & Decision Tools

Logo of the Aquatic Eco Dynamics

AED: Aquatic EcoDynamics

The AED research group studies the functional interrelations between hydrology, biogeochemistry, and biota to predict the response of inland and coastal waters to local and global pressures.

The General Lake Model (GLM) is developed as a freely available open-access tool to improve our knowledge of how changes in land-use, climate and management actions will affect our freshwater resources and lake ecosystems.

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Ariel image of dam in the South West of Western Australia

WaterSmart Dams

The WET-tool simulates how dams will perform under different farm management, geographic, and climatic scenarios providing dam water intelligence to boost farm resilience under dry and changing climates.

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Sandy white beach with waves

ICoAST: Integrated Coastal Analyses and Sensing Technology

ICoAST will develop and apply a suite of tools and methods to improve monitoring and current understanding of ecological and physical processes in north-west WA including Gutharraguda, and the Gascoyne and Perth regions.

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The Boyagin flux tower in the WA wheat belt region

Boyagin OzFlux Tower Site

The Boyagin flux station is located approximately 12km west of Pingelly, near Perth, Western Australia. It was established in September 2017 and is managed by The University of Western Australia.

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aerial sensing with drone

Remotely Piloted Aerial Sensing Platform

UWA's Remote Aerial Sensing Platform provides operational infrastructure, expertise, support and advice for drone and environmental sensing. The facility provides the capacity for research collaboration, brings expertise and licencing to a UWA research group, and makes drones, sensors and other equipment available for other external projects.

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Flying Drones at UWA Learn More

Vadose-zone Monitoring System (VMS) installed at the University of Western Australia (UWA) Ridgefield Farm, near Pingelley in Western Australia

OzCZO: The Australian CZO network

Australian Government funding is enabling research into Australia’s critical zone—Earth’s outer skin, from treetop to bedrock, where water, atmosphere, ecosystems, soil and rock interact—to better understand and manage the availability of its life-sustaining resources.

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Laboratory Facilities

Water Laboratory (G16-G18)

The UWA Water Laboratory, situated within the School of Agriculture and Environment (SAgE) in the Geography/Geology building at the Crawley Campus. A facility equipped with a wide range of water quality and sediment quality sampling equipment.

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Field Electronics Lab (B.07)

The Laboratory, is situated within the School of Agriculture and Environment (SAgE) in the Geography/Geology building at the Crawley Campus. The laboratory is equipped with a diverse range of cutting-edge tools and equipment, including drones, field instruments, 3D printer, and electronic devices.

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Earth and Environment Analysis Laboratory (EEAL)

UWA's Earth and Environment Analysis Laboratory (EEAL) is located within the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment (SAgE). An array of analytical techniques and services including nutrient analysis of soil and water, elemental analysis of soil, water and plant material, geochemical analysis, particle size analysis and acid-sulphate soil assessment using modern instrumental techniques.

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