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Practical Learning and Placements in Health and Biomedical Sciences

02/09/2021 |

Our postgraduate health and biomedical science courses emphasise and celebrate real-world experience, practical learning and immersive clinical placements, which means you’ll build all the skills you need to step into your future career after graduation. 

As an integral part of the education process, practical learning helps you to engage with the advanced concepts, consolidate your knowledge and then apply your skills. You’ll learn and remember things clearly. You’ll observe and do things by yourself, which is different from a classroom setting. 

As a result, you’ll be confident and competent in applying your inter-professional learning and practical skills in a range of health and biomedical science contexts, leading to a rewarding career. 

Hear from a selection of our current students, about their unique practical learning and real-life experiences.

Master of Public Health (MPH)

"I did my MPH practicum placement at Ruah Community Services in Subiaco, working on one project for about eight weeks. The project studied how men could be role models in preventing domestic violence. 

As part of my practicum placement, I had the chance to interview the male Ruah staff and collected their insights on how men could be effective role models in preventing gender-based violence.
I really enjoyed that process and I have definitely gained a wide range of valuable skills that would be beneficial to me in the future, such as project management skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving and I even had the chance to help out at a homeless shelter in Northbridge. It was a wonderful experience."

Ravi Kasiram


"The Master of Public Health practicum gave me experience into what working in the real world is like for a public health professional. Working with a non-for-profit organisation provided me with insights into disability healthcare and supported employment, and equipped me with the tools to manage and facilitate a community-based project for children with limb differences.
It has also been a great way for me to build networks. I was surrounded by a diverse and encouraging group of people, and working with them has been helpful in developing my confidence, personal growth and professional capabilities.”

Shauna Jacob

Learn more about the Master of Public Health

Interested in a career in public health? Join us online on Wednesday 7 August from 5.30-6.30pm AWST to find out everything you need to know about UWA's postgraduate course in public health including, practical learning, career outcomes, admission requirements, how to apply and more. Register now!

Master of Clinical Pathology (MCP)

“My part-time research project, alongside my coursework, opened up a new avenue of opportunity for me. It is allowing me to participate in front-of-the-line research without significantly detracting from my coursework studies. It is greatly satisfying knowing that I can be contributing to an under-researched field, yet will still be able to pursue clinical laboratory pathology if I so choose.
The MCP provided an incredibly strong basis of knowledge in both practical and theory aspects of laboratory pathology as well as giving students a broader scope of understanding that included the clinical, more patient-oriented side.”

Dion Lin-Sullivan


Learn more about the Master of Clinical Pathology

Master of Infectious Diseases (MID)

“Through the research project I undertook, I was able to learn many new skills and obtain a new understanding of diseases, plus working with the staff at PathWest was very rewarding.”

Sarah Bodewes

“(In) the Master of Infectious Diseases you spend many hours in the labs doing practical sessions. You learn all the advanced techniques used for diagnosis of infectious diseases. Currently I am undertaking my research project at the Marshall Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Training. I get the opportunity to receive tuition and training with world-renowned researchers and scholars such as Associate Professor Charlene Kahler, Professor Geoffrey Coombs and my personal supervisor Dr Shakeel Mowlaboccus.”

Hisham Osumanu

Learn more about the Master of Infectious Diseases

Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM)

“In the UWA Podiatry Clinic we are able to see real patients from very early on in the course, which is incredible for our learning and helps to engage in the profession. This teaches you very quickly how to interact with patients as well as showing you how a professional clinic needs to run.

In a few weeks, I will be going on my first external placement to Royal Perth Hospital which is very exciting. We spend a lot of time on placement in urban or rural locations and in a variety of different clinic types such as private clinics or hospitals. This is fantastic as it gives us the ability to see the wide array of opportunities available to us when we graduate and gain connections in the field."

Antonio Ruffo


Learn more about the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine

Master of Pharmacy

“I chose to study the Master of Pharmacy because I am passionate about both helping people and science, so I figured that this was an opportunity for me to combine the two. Pharmacy has also allowed me to visit various places that I otherwise would have never experienced. This includes a rural placement in Newman and Karratha and travelling to Newcastle in New South Wales to attend a national student led pharmacy conference (NAPSA congress).”

Kurtis Gray

Learn more about the Master of Pharmacy

Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)

“The patient interaction is the resounding highlight in the DMD course. Each patient brings a unique personality and, in striving to meet their individual treatment needs, we gain valuable knowledge of medical and dental conditions, while simultaneously developing our communication, treatment planning, problem solving and technical skills to the benefit of their oral health. 
The cohort experience is also truly invaluable, as the camaraderie and support of dental students, both in my year and in others, brightens every day and really helps each and every one of us to face the challenges of such a demanding course.  
I am equally enthralled by the possibility to routinely use the cutting-edge digital technologies that have recently arrived at the School, including 3D scanning and facilities for the computer-aided design and manufacture of restorations for our patients.”  

Emma Turner


Learn more about the Doctor of Dental Medicine

Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (DCD)

“Having access to multidisciplinary clinics, the different hospital settings, and being mentored by excellent consultants have really shaped my practice. It has been particularly enjoyable developing relationships with mentors, colleagues and staff at the school.”

Amanda Phoon Nguyen

Learn more about the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry

Master of Social Work (MSW)

"Perhaps one of the most enriching experiences we have had on our 14-week practicum placement at WA Centre for Rural Health was becoming involved with the Jambinu Warranan Singers at Mitchell Street Community Centre. 
Being invited into this space was a privilege for us both, where we were able to learn about Yamatji culture and even try our hand at singing in Naaguja and Wajarri language.
While we had the role of ‘team leaders’, we feel very much that we had the role of observers and learners. Getting to know the communities and contexts in which we practiced, developing relationships and partaking in meaningful community initiatives was an invaluable experience."

Giorgia Finnigan and Islah Alderson 

Social workers

"My first field placement provided an invaluable opportunity to start consolidating so many of my learnings and effectively start putting knowledge into practice. It wasn’t until the first placement that I could truly appreciate the relevance of all the content and just how much I’d learned over a short amount of time – this was a massive confidence boost and from there, it has been exciting to start building my own identity as a social worker."

Amy Duggan

Learn more about the Master of Social Work

In addition to external placements, our on-campus facilities give you unparalleled access to real-world training and environments such as the UWA Health Campus at the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre (QEIIMC). You’ll work with real patients solving real health problems. Get started on your health career journey today.

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