Initiatives to Address the Ongoing Harms of Colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

We believe that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inclusion is critical for social justice and equity, as well as being a key component of academic excellence and innovation. As a School, we are deeply committed to supporting, and learning from, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, colleagues, graduates and communities. In collaboration with our generous colleagues in the School of Indigenous Studies and AIPEP: 

  • We offer Indigenous entry pathways into our Psychology Honours, Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, and combined Master and PhD programs in Clinical Psychology and Clinical Neuropsychology
  • We run a peer mentoring program to support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander psychology students.
  • We consult with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander psychology student reference group that provides valuable feedback to help us improve and refine our curriculum and teaching and practices.
  • Psychology staff attend regular cultural learning sessions to educate ourselves on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, perspectives, and practices, and to engage in critical self-reflection.

By embracing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and ways of knowing, we can enhance our understanding of the world and find new solutions to complex challenges. Through our actions and programs, we seek to build meaningful partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities based on mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration.