Bee Friendly Pastures
A reduction in floral resource populations and access means bee health and efficiency are suffering.
The Bee Friendly Pastures project offers a research-based solution to a worldwide reduction in floral resources available for the apiculture industry.
Project details
Bees are essential for food security, food diversity and ecosystem viability. High-quality and abundant floral resources are necessary for maintaining bee health, which ensures the production of high-quality honey and allows for effective pollination services. Yet a worldwide reduction in floral resource populations and access means bee health and efficiency are suffering.
This project focuses on the capacity for annual and perennial leguminous pasture species to provide a floral resource to bees that is available, predictable and responsive through time and space. Australia has a progressive research program providing innovative breeding and management of highly adapted pasture legume species to support livestock and seed production industries, but their commercial potential is largely untapped with respect to the apiculture industry.
Future opportunities
About us
The Bee Friendly Pastures project team includes:
- Dr Kevin Foster
Dr Kevin Foster worked for Department of Agriculture in Pasture Science in WA for over 30 years. While at the Department he worked on the development of new and improved pasture legume species for cropping and pasture systems, characterised new legume germplasm from overseas and screened subclover genotypes for low oestrogenic content.
- Professor Megan Ryan
Professor Megan Ryan is a Professor in the School of Agriculture and Environment. Dr Ryan leads a large team that undertakes research across a broad range of areas related to development of sustainable farming systems.
- Mr Daniel Kidd
Daniel Kidd has worked at UWA and the Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development (previously DAFWA) as a technical officer and researcher since 2003. He has been involved in the development of a number of annual and perennial pasture legumes and grasses and has run large scale field trials throughout W.A.
- Dr Joanne Wisdom
Dr Joanne Wisdom is a plant physiologist with a special interest in perennial fruit crops. Her research is driven by the Australia's reputation for high quality fruit production, food security and sustainable intensification.
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