
Heartfelt gifts for the future

Let future generations tell your story

Serving the community is UWA's founding principle. For over 100 years, the generosity of our benefactors has helped us achieve this goal.

We receive gifts of all kinds, big and small, but the one thing they all have in common is their enduring contribution to the future of our community.

A gift from someone like you could make all the difference. It can help us educate tomorrow's leaders, and advance research that will change the world. 

Your passion and hope for the future will impact lives for many generations to come.

Our stories

The Schrader Bequest

Living bequests

Memorial gifts

Create a bequest

The Winthrop Society

How can we help?

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your intentions in complete confidence, please reach out to the UWA Bequests team