The Winthrop Society

Celebrating our generous benefactors

We welcome you

The Winthrop Society celebrates friends and supporters who have included a gift to the University in their will.

The Society was established in 2007 under the auspices of UWA's 14th Chancellor, Dr Michael Chaney AO CitWA, and was named after the first Chancellor, Sir John Winthrop Hackett KCMG. Its patron today is Chancellor The Hon Robert French AC.

Do you intend to leave a gift in your will for the University? Or perhaps you already have? If you are happy to let us know, we would be honoured to invite you to join the Winthrop Society.

While we are always keen to acknowledge the support of our bequestors, we will of course respect those who wish to keep their intentions private.

Join us for inspiring lectures and concerts

Throughout the year, we invite Society members to events at the University, around Perth and, more recently, in online webinars. Events range from public lectures, thought-provoking seminars and concerts that aim to engage with all parts of UWA. Of particular note are exclusive presentations for the Winthrop Society by UWA researchers, which provide the opportunity to engage with academics who are at the cutting edge of their fields.

Some of the recent talks held by our academics for the Winthrop Society:

  • Professor Graeme Martin (UWA School of Agriculture and Environment) spoke about the UWA Future Farm project, and how our researchers at UWA’s working farm in Pingelly are working towards the ideal farming system for 2050. 
  • Dr Liz Barbour (CEO, the Cooperative Research Centre on Honeybee Products) spoke about the success of the honeybee in WA. They brought along a ‘show’ beehive and some delicious samples of honey made by UWA’s bees, from flowers at UWA’s Crawley campus!
  • Professor Susan Broomhall (ARC Future Fellow and Professor of History) spoke about her world-first research into the diplomatic correspondence of Catherine de’ Medici.
  • Associate Professor Ullrich Ecker (School of Psychological Science) spoke about the psychology of truth and misinformation, and why we find it so difficult to correct untruths.

High Tea with the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor

Each year, the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor of The University of Western Australia host the Winthrop Society High Tea, in acknowledgement of the generosity of UWA alumni and supporters that have left a bequest in their will.

In recent years, the High Tea has been held at UWA landmarks like the Oceans Institute, the Conservatorium of Music and the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery.

This keystone event in the University's calendar is a wonderful opportunity to spend an afternoon with like-minded supporters. You will engage and hear firsthand from our leading researchers working on some of the greatest challenges facing our society today, witness UWA’s cultural achievements or be inspired by our talented young students.

Sir John Winthrop Hackett KCMG

The very first bequest the University of Western Australia received was made by our first Chancellor - and greatest champion in the fight to establish Western Australia's first university - Sir John Winthrop Hackett.

We invite you to learn more about this great man and the lasting impact the Hackett bequest has had.

Learn more about UWA bequests

Follow the links below to find out more about the impacts of bequests and how to leave a gift in your Will.

How can we help?

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your intentions in complete confidence, please reach out to the UWA Bequests team