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Teachers of AMEB Syllabuses
These teachers have self-nominated as having expertise in their relevant AMEB Syllabus areas, with this listing serving as an avenue to connect with them. Please contact them directly with any enquiries as they are not employees of, or recommended by AMEB WA. This list is provided for your convenience and should not be considered an endorsement of abilities or suitability.
AMEB is unable to offer endorsements of individuals or studios. No single teacher is a perfect match for every personality and stage of development, and the fit between learner and educator is unique in every case. You may also find music Professional Associations to be helpful resources suc as the Western Australian Music Teachers' Association and the Australian Strings Association.
The information below has been provided by the teacher themselves. We recommend that you discuss fees and expectations with the teacher and undertake your own due diligence (eg Working with Children Checks, public liability etc), before entering into a learning partnership.
We hope that you find your perfect teaching match and look forward to seeing you at your exam soon! This information is updated quarterly.
Get yourself listed (or update your details) as a teacher of AMEB Syllabuses.
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Teachers Corner
Quality teachers are essential for a vibrant and thriving arts education community. AMEB provides regular updates and workshops on syllabus changes and new products designed to support your teaching practices. Our social media channels share lots of great research, opportunities, and articles that are hand-selected to support you in your work. And don't forget the Syllabus itself - a fantastic resource for finding repertoire to suit your students' interests and ability.
Regular Professional Development sessions are offered to teachers each year. For more information on upcoming events, subscribe to our newsletter or email admin - AMEB [email protected]
Looking to upskill? We also have a range of Teaching Diplomas with syllabuses that specialise in classical and contemporary music, Speech & Drama, and the performing arts.
Connect with us and read on to find out what's on offer for teachers.
Get in touch
The WA State Office is located on the Claremont campus of The University of Western Australia, on the corner of Princess and Goldsworthy Roads in Claremont. The office is at the eastern end of the stone heritage-listed building. Visitors are asked to park in Car Park 2 (paid parking) accessible from Goldsworthy Road and to please observe and comply with all signage.
Office location
UWA Claremont Campus
Cnr Princess and Goldsworthy Roads, Claremont WA 6010
Open Monday to Friday
Mailing address
The University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009