Student Conduct

What is academic integrity?

Academic integrity is behaving in an honest, fair and moral way in an academic setting. As a student at UWA, you’re part of a community that values academic integrity, and there are important principles, rules and ways of behaving that are expected of you.

Academic integrity requires acknowledging the contributions of other people when using their ideas to support your work. It applies to all areas of your work, whether online or face to face, and whether it’s an assignment, exam or research.

Every UWA student is required to complete Academic Conduct Essentials (ACE). This unit outlines the expectations of correct academic conduct while studying at UWA. By completing the unit, you agree to act in accordance with UWA’s academic conduct policy.

Types of academic misconduct

Academic misconduct can take many forms, some of which you may undertake accidentally.

  • Plagiarism
  • Collusion
  • Ghost writing and using contract cheating websites
  • Cheating in exams
  • Unethical data use

Remember, you always need to acknowledge where ideas were first presented, even if you were the original source.

How to identify a contract cheating website

Using an online service provider to help with your assignments might seem like a quick solution, but it can come at a huge cost. You could face academic consequences affecting your study progression, future employment prospects, or losing the respect of your friends, family and teachers. 

Tips to help identify contract cheating sites

  1. Sites asking for payment to complete assignment work for you
  2. Assurances they offer good quality writers/writing
  3. An ‘Order’ button
  4. Prices linked to assignment length and completion times
  5. Attempts to justify why buying assignments might be okay
  6. Testimonials from ‘customers’, often accompanied by stock photos of people who aren’t real students
  7. Guarantees of plagiarism-free work
  8. The need to create a personal account and log in
  9. Numerous nearly identical sites with different domain names
  10. Terms of service that disclaim responsibility if you’re caught submitting work from the site
  11. Various service guarantees such as 24/7 support, live chat, feedback, money back if unsatisfied

UWA support services

UWA is here to help you. We have a range of free and secure support services to assist you with assignments and exam preparation, so you can feel confident in completing your work to the best of your ability. We know that for some of you, you feel that there's extra pressure placed on you to succeed, so be sure to reach out for help if you are feeling nervous or stressed.

Allegations of student misconduct and discipline are governed by Statute 17 (Student Discipline) together with the associated Regulations for Student Conduct and Discipline and Policy on Academic Integrity (PDF 204KB).

Student conduct and ethical scholarship

Conduct includes academic, professional, personal and interpersonal behaviour and matters of compliance with UWA directives when on University land or during University activities. Examples of misconduct and inappropriate behaviour are given in Statute 17 and Schedule 1 of its Regulations for Student Conduct and Discipline, where definitions and processes for handling such matters can be found. To assist students, each faculty has a designated academic conduct adviser and Academic Conduct Essentials (ACE) is a required unit of study, available online, that introduces the basics of ethical scholarship and the expectations of correct academic conduct at UWA.

When an allegation of misconduct is made (such as if a relevant matter of concern is raised by a student, staff or community member) a process of complaint, investigation and appeal may occur, and consequences of misconduct can include appropriate discipline, penalty, suspension or expulsion. Support services are available for students involved in such processes.

Within the context of UWA’s mission and core values, its Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities sets out the fundamental rights and responsibilities of students and their organisations at UWA. The University recognises the importance of student rights, responsibilities and opinion and encourages diversity within the student body. Students retain their fundamental rights as set out in relevant legislation and in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Breaches of student responsibility do not automatically invalidate student rights. Consideration of student rights and responsibilities will be dealt with through the appropriate University policies and procedures.

Submitting a complaint

Consistent with its aim to provide a high-quality support, security and service to every student within the principles of the University’s Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities, UWA provides policies and procedures that enable students to lodge a complaint. Before submitting complaints, students should usually talk to the person or people concerned and consider the information provided by the Complaint Resolution Unit (CRU). This includes links to a number of staff and associated organisations who can provide information, advice and support to students making a complaint or who have had a complaint made against them. The CRU also provides a central contact point to receive and appropriately refer complaints.

Regulations for student conduct and discipline

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