UWA Law Review

The University of Western Australia Law Review (UWA Law Review) is Australia's oldest University Law Journal, first published in 1948.

It provides a forum for the airing of articles on topics of current national and international legal significance. Each alternate issue addresses a theme of contemporary moment. These thematic issues alternate with a general issue. The general issue comprises articles of general legal interest and provides a forum for publications with a Western Australian focus.

The UWA Law Review is included in the Australasian Legal Scholarship Library which is one of the largest collections of legal scholarship on the web.

All articles in the Library are also included in the LawCite international citatory. Articles may be searched for by journal (citation), author, or article name.

The UWA Law Review is edited by a Student Editorial Board under the supervision of a senior member of the Academic Staff and benefits from the advice of a distinguished Editorial Advisory Board.

Editorial Advisory Board

The UWA Law Review Editorial Advisory Board is made up of distinguished national and international legal scholars.
Editorial Advisory Board

Professor Jeff Berryman
Faculty of Law
University of Windsor

Kanaga Dharmananda SC
WA Bar

Professor Rosalind Croucher
Australian Human Rights Commission

Professor Peter Drahos
European University Institute

The Hon James Edelman
High Court of Australia

Professor Susy Frankel
Professor of Law, Associate Dean (Research)
Faculty of Law, Victoria University of Wellington

Professor Elise Bant
University of Melbourne

Prof. Dr. Reto M. Hilty
Director, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law
München, Germany

John Eldridge
University of Sydney

Professor James Goudkamp 
Oxford University

Professor Serena Forlati
Director, Centre for European Legal Studies on Macro-Crime, Department of Law, University of Ferrara

Professor Anselm Kamperman Sanders
Faculty of Law, Maastricht University


 Law school courtyard 

Current and past issues

Read our latest issue or browse past volumes.

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Authors, authors responsibilities and guidelines

No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing.

All authors must have significantly contributed to the research.

All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

Authors should list their references and indicate if any financial support has been received in relation to their articles.

It is forbidden to publish the same research in more than one journal.

Learn more about guidelines for authors.

Peer-review process

All of the content of the UWA Law Review is subjected to peer-review.

Peer-review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field.

Judgments of reviewers should be objective.

Reviewers should have no conflict of interest.

Reviewers will point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.

Reviewed articles will be treated confidentially.

Publication ethics

We will take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.

In no case will the UWA Law Review or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.

In the event that the UWA Law Review or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations appropriately.

The UWA Law Review will publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.


Previous issues of the UWA Law Review are available on Austlii.

Ownership and management

The UWA Law Review is published by The University of Western Australia.

Publishing schedule

In 2015 the UWA Law Review became a digital only publication. It is published at least twice annually with a thematic issue, alternating with a general issue.

Two law students

Duty statement

This duty statement describes the role of The UWA Law Review student editors.

Law Review is a 6 point unit. The work is spread over two semesters.

  1. Students may join the unit either at the beginning of first semester or the beginning of second semester.
  2. The work involves editing articles, notes and book reviews for inclusion in The University of Western Australia Law Review (UWALR) and discussing with the Editorial Board the suitability of papers submitted for publication, as well as writing a piece for publication.
  3. Editing involves:
    (i) checking all citations and quotations for accuracy;
    (ii) ensuring that all citations in the text and footnotes conform to The Law Review Style Guide;
    (iii) making recommendations to the staff editor for changes to the text or footnotes, where such changes are needed to improve clarity; and
    (v) assisting the staff editor in preparing a précis for each article or note.
  4. Students are required to prepare short reports on each article assigned to them, along the lines of an official referee's report. Such reports should include the student's opinion on the merits, topicality and originality of any article or note submitted for publication. Two of these reports will be assessed. Each will be worth 20% of the assessment for this unit.
  5. Students will be required to write a piece for publication. This may be an article, case comment, book review or a report on legislation or official reports. This piece will be worth 60% of the assessment for this unit.
  6. Students are required to assist with the mailing of two issues of the UWALR.

Contact UWA Law Review

Staff Editors

Professor Michael Blakeney
Tel. +61 (0)8 6488 3438
Email: [email protected]

Philipp Kastner
Email: [email protected]

Postal address
UWA Law Review
The University of Western Australia
Faculty of Law (M253)
35 Stirling Highway CRAWLEY WA 6009

University of Western Australia Law Review

ISSN: 0042-0328
Publisher: University of Western Australia *Law School
Country: Australia
Start Year: 1948
Refereed: Yes

Copyright and Access

Copyright remains with the authors. Requests for licensing, should be addressed to them.

Since 2015 the UWA Law Review is available online and is gratis to readers.