Welcome from the Dean and Head of School,
Professor Sharon Mascher

Welcome to the UWA Law School. Our School is situated on Whadjuk Noongar land, and we acknowledge that the Whadjuk Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land, and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.
Our award-winning teachers and researchers are national and international leaders across a variety of areas including corporate purpose and responsibility, health law, public law and criminology. They are champions of critical thought who produce impactful research that influences legal and regulatory frameworks and societal norms.
Our students come from a diverse range of academic backgrounds and life experiences and together create a strong, respectful and supportive community. They are eager to learn, engage, and succeed in their chosen career.
Our curriculum offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate learning opportunities.
A hallmark of our Law School is an Indigenous-led process to transform our teaching and research spaces into culturally safe environments where Indigenous and non-Indigenous students can engage with different understandings of what law and justice is and with the imaginings that speak to what it could be.
We hope you will join us and discover your place in the law.
From tradition to innovation, we are the leading Law School in Western Australia.
Our pathways, programs and teaching excellence ensure we continue to educate remarkable graduates and global citizens.
Our research contributes to a fair and just society.
We earn the trust of the communities we serve.
Discover the power of legal thinking. Discover the enduring value of diverse legal minds. Discover your place in law.
To be a world-class law school that nurtures diverse legal minds and inspires just and innovative approaches to the global challenges of the 21st century.
Our mission
To provide a creative and supportive teaching, learning and research environment of legal excellence that fosters critical thought, ethical scholarship and practice, and connects with diverse communities.
Over 90 years of excellence
The UWA Law School is ranked in the top 150 law schools in the world for Law and Legal Studies (QS 2024)
UWA Law School is committed to upholding the rule of law, and the promotion of the highest standards of ethical conduct, professional responsibility, and community service.
In response to the outcome of the High Court of Australia’s investigation into the sexual harassment of six Judges’ Associates by former High Court judge, Dyson Heydon, the UWA Law School issued this statement on sexual harassment in law.
The UWA Law School condemns past and ongoing discrimination in the Australian legal system that continues to create profound injustice in the lives of First Nations peoples. We are committed to continuing to work in partnership with Indigenous peoples to create culturally safe teaching and research spaces and produce culturally competent graduates.
Over 90 years of excellence in legal research, education and service.
Supportive learning in the UWA Juris Doctor
Highly acclaimed teachers and researchers
Our staff are continually evolving to meet current and future predicted challenges, and we celebrate their international expertise and multidisciplinary areas of study. Our world-class researchers inspire just and innovative approaches to global challenges of the 21st century.
Our research areas
Administrative and Constitutional Law
See all staffCommercial and Corporations Law
See all staffCriminology and Criminal Law
See all staffDispute Resolution and Family Law
See all staffHealth and Consumer Law
See all staffLaw and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
See all staffLaw and Society
See all staffLaw of Obligations
See all staffMining, Energy and Natural Resources Law
See all staffPrivate International Law
See all staffPublic International and Human Rights Law
See all staffTaxation Law
See all staffResearch entities
The UWA Law School supports the following research centres and networks.
UWA Law School fosters excellence, integrity and inclusivity in student learning through a diverse and inspiring range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, teaching methods and learning environments. We are leaders in the scholarship of teaching and learning in law, and provide a world-class legal education experiences across all our programs.
Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Find out what it's like to study Criminology and Criminal Justice at UWA. Hear about our industry connections, experienced staff, work integrated learning and what you can expect to prepare you for a career in a range of areas.
Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Find out what it's like to study Criminology and Criminal Justice at UWA. Hear about our industry connections, experienced staff, work integrated learning and what you can expect to prepare you for a career in a range of areas.
Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Find out what it's like to study Criminology and Criminal Justice at UWA. Hear about our industry connections, experienced staff, work integrated learning and what you can expect to prepare you for a career in a range of areas.
Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Find out what it's like to study Criminology and Criminal Justice at UWA. Hear about our industry connections, experienced staff, work integrated learning and what you can expect to prepare you for a career in a range of areas.
Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Find out what it's like to study Criminology and Criminal Justice at UWA. Hear about our industry connections, experienced staff, work integrated learning and what you can expect to prepare you for a career in a range of areas.
Congratulations to our student award winners
- 2022 Prize Winners
Donar Awards
Australian Insurance Law Association Prize
- Sarah Myers
John Norman Barker Prize in Law
- Rachel Francis
Adjunct Professor, Dr Brett Davies Prize in Taxation
- Erika Millares
K W Hatfield KC Prize in Law
- Simrin Panag
Corrs Prize in Legal Excellence
- James Argyle
- Maria Ambrose
- Natalie Krsticevic
- Tiffany Chisholm Gardner
- Yi-Yun Loei
Kate King Legal Prize
- Olivia Trimboli
Allen & Overy Prize in Legal Interpretation
- Jessica Low
King & Wood Mallesons Prize in Law
- Kristin Bowtell
Ashurst Prize
- Melissa Dinnison
Lavan Legal Prize in Professional Practice
- Rachel Norman
Allens Prize in Law
- Vanessa Coutts
Lidia Scafidi Memorial Prize in Evidence
- Natalie Fretton
Cecil Bedford Thompson Brown Memorial Prize for Foundations of Public Law
- Tiffany Chisholm Gardner
Lord Mansfield Prize in Private Law
- Matthew Swain
Clifford Chance Prize for Dispute Resolution
- Michaela Tam
MinterEllison Prize in Contract
- Tiffany Chisholm Gardner
Daryl Williams AM KC Prize in Corporations Law
- Matthew Swain
Nicholson and Wheatley Memorial Prize in Property
- Maria Ambrose
Grant Robertson Memorial Prize in International Commercial Arbitration
- Dominic Carlsen
Peter Birks Prize in Unjust Enrichment and Restitution
- Nicholas Cokis
Grotius Prize in Public International Law
- Georgina Macri
Peter Handford Prize in Law
- Ellen Tetley
Harold H Glass Memorial Prize
- Tiffany Chisholm Gardner
Peter Reading Prize for Evolution of Human Rights
- Gabriel de Gand
Herbert Smith Freehills Prize
- Aleasha Sanchez-Lawson
Philip Lionel Sharp Memorial Prize in Law
- Melanie Fraser
Herbert Smith Freehills Prize in Mining and Energy Law
- Gabrielle O'Hara
R.K. O'Connor KC Taxation Law Prize
- Thomas Penglis
Jackson McDonald Pro Bono Committee JD Prize
- Matthew Poli
Richard McCormack Prize in Equity and Trusts
- Isobel Cole
John Fiocco Prize in Law
- Tiffany Chisholm Gardner
STEP (WA) Prize in Taxation of Trusts
- Jia Jie Chin
John Hockley Prize in Succession Law
- Eloise Munro
Thomson Reuters Prize in Company Law
- Kate Ye
Thomson Reuters Prize in Introduction to Business Law
- Samantha Denehy-Johnson
Law School Prizes - Business Law
Business Law in Practice
- Emma He
International Investment Law
- Joshua Torre
Commercial Law
- Rory Hewson
Legal Framework of Business
- Jack Killoh
- Jia Xin Chhoa
International Commercial Law
- Jessica Yang
Taxation Law
- Alicia Sec
- Benjamin Lilburne
Law School Prizes - Law and Society
Adulting: Law for Everyday Lives
- Jasmine Beattie
Law, Conflict and Change
- Emilie Roe
Birth, Life, Death and the Law
- Leah Brough
Law in Action
- Dhiya'ul Huda (Lula)
Gender and the Law
- Helene Moe
- Emma Hughes
Law and Religion
- Nicola Pike
International Legal Institutions
- Sarah Duong
Music and the Law
- Olivia Trimboli
Law, Advocacy, Activism and Change
- Mariam Atieh
Social Media and the Law
- Stephanie Eginton
Law School Prizes - Criminology
Crime and Society
- Dylan Harvey
- Kiah Watson
Criminal Justice Systems
- Sarah Duong
Law School Prizes - Juris Doctor
Advanced Criminal Law and Procedure
- Tom Flaherty
Introduction to Roman Private Law
- Sophia Stannard
Advanced Topics in Private Law
- Nicholas Cokis
Legislation in Practice
- Yasmin Kirkham
Comparative Legal Method
- Roslyn Stephens
Media Law
- Andrea Roestenburg
Criminal Law
- Emma Wilson
Mergers and Acquisitions
- Alexis Brenssell
- Joseph Ferrante
Employment Law
- Isobel Leman
Planning Law
- Gian Kaur
Environmental Law
- Joseph Waters
- Vanessa Coutts
Innovations in Legal Practice Management
- Melissa Dinnison
Space and Satellite Law Lisa Harris
Technology Law and Governance- Ethan Pilossof
Law School Prizes - Postgraduate
Climate Change Law and Emissions Trading
- Athena Lyons
International Human Rights Law
- Ines Gil
Construction Law
- Ji Hoo Lee
- Rebecca Skead
International Humanitarian Law
- Eloise Munro
Double Tax Agreements and International Tax Law
- Christie Graham
- Lillian Djanegara
International Sales Law
- Roslyn Stephens
Energy Agreements: Oil and Gas, Alternative Energy and Sustainability
- Elisa Travaglione
Intersections of Law, Policy and Government
- Conor Patton
Environmental Protection Law
- Kaylee Prince
Law of the Sea
- Samantha Gates
Foundations of Law and Legal Institutions
- Conor Patton
Mining Law
- Astrid Serventy
Foundations of Public International Law
- Ines Gil
Resource Taxation
- James Stevenson
Goods and Services Taxation
- Elisa Travaglione
Taxation of Trusts
- Jia Jie Chin
Health Law and Policy
- Bronte Campion
Theory & Practice of Risk Regulation
- Eimear Reynolds
Theory, Method and Contemporary Issues of International Law
- Lisa Harris
- 2023 Scholarship Recipients
Anna & Nicoletta Ciffolilli Scholarship for Women in Law
- Heyang Guo
Jennifer Inkster Memorial Law Scholarship
- Claudia Reedy
B. P. Kakulas KC and Nellie Kakulas Scholarship in Law
- Mako Murazvu
K. W. Hatfield K.C. Memorial Scholarship in Law
- Matthew Swain
Ciara Glennon Memorial Scholarship
- Abigail Gregorio
Linda Cotton (Vatskalis) Memorial Scholarship
- Hannah Jackson
Dean's Circle Juris Doctor Scholarship
- Claire Local
- Mia Donegan
- Pailin Harris
McCusker Law Scholarship
- Ethan Nicholas
Daryl Williams AM KC Scholarship in Law
- Maria Ambrose
Melvin Yeo Jessup Moot Scholarship
- Georgina Macri
Ian Cochrane Memorial Scholarship
- Daisy Hannaford
The Honourable Serge Ferrier Family Law Bursary
- William Conti
James TF Chong Award
- Heyang Guo
UWA Tech & Policy Lab Impact Award
- Abigail Gregorio
JD Scholarship for the Promotion of Social Justice
- Celine Kwok
Indigenisation of the Juris Doctor
Through the Indigenisation of the Juris Doctor project, the UWA Law School is incorporating Indigenous cultures, knowledges and perspectives throughout Juris Doctor (JD) degree. The project is a joint initiative of the Law School and the School of Indigenous Studies, and is overseen by a Reference Group of legal and cultural experts.
Student health and well-being
The UWA Law School is committed to the health, well-being and safety of all of our students. We strive to support our students to stay well and thrive throughout their studies.
Global study opportunities
The UWA Law School is a community full of dedicated and passionate people who foster an environment of encouragement and acceptance. Studying Law at UWA has opened up countless opportunities for both my individual development and to make an impact in the community.Joshua Sanchez-Lawson
Blackstone Society President 2018
Our history and alumni
Over the past 90 years we have gone from strength to strength, and have a long and proud history of excellence in legal education, research and community service.
Dean's Circle
UWA Law Review
Executive education and CPD
- Taxation Law of a Foreign State
- Unit date: 27-30 May 2024
- Details: This four-day workshop will appeal to lawyers and non-lawyers wanting to develop their understanding of the principles of the income taxation and other relevant taxes of China, Singapore and Hong Kong. Topics include:
- the tax administration system and relevant legal and equivalent institutions
- the taxation of inbound investment, outbound investment and trade by the state
- the operation of double taxation agreements
- residence and sources rules; corporate tax rules; taxation of passive income flows and anti-tax avoidance rules
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration: https://events.humanitix.com/taxation-law-of-a-foreign-state
- Energy Agreements: Oil and Gas, Alternative Energy and Sustainability
- Unit date: 28-30 May 2024
- Details: This three-day workshop will appeal to lawyers and non-lawyers who would like to develop their understanding of the legal agreements which underpin the commercialisation of energy, including oil and gas and alternative energy. It aims is to explain and review the key provisions of contracts important to the commercial development of oil and gas, wind and solar against the background of a transition to more sustainable energy. The contracts considered include joint venture agreements, electricity and gas sales agreements, transportation and storage agreements and agreements for the development of wind and solar power.
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration visit, https://events.humanitix.com/energy-agreements-oil-and-gas-alternative-energy-and-sustainability
- Goods and Services Taxation
- Unit date: 10 – 13 June 2024
- Details: This unit explores how Australia’s GST system fits with global VAT and GST models, providing an intensive study of Australia's GST law, including its current scope and application to domestic supplies, exports and imports of goods and services, and a thorough analysis of prospects for future directions derived from international experience
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration: https://events.humanitix.com/goods-and-services-taxation
- Base Erosion, Profit Shifting and Transfer Pricing
- Unit date: 8 – 11 July 2024
- Details: This four-day course examines the internationally important area of Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) and transfer pricing. It looks at fundamental sources applicable to BEPS and transfer pricing; examines the BEPS debate in detail; examines the arm's length principle in detail; examines how to carry out a functional analysis; considers transfer pricing methods; examines the issue of comparability; considers various specific transactions; and examines transfer pricing and permanent establishment and considers compliance and dispute resolution issues in a transfer pricing context.
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration: https://events.humanitix.com/base-erosion-profit-shifting-and-transfer-pricing
- Climate Change Law and Emissions Trading
- Unit date: 17 -19 July 2024
- Details: This course begins with an introduction to the science of climate change and the associated climate justice issues. It will then turn to explore the international legal framework and the domestic legal framework, with a focus on the Commonwealth Safeguard Mechanism, the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme and the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act. The course will also explore the human rights issues and the developing international and domestic litigation landscape.
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration: https://events.humanitix.com/climate-change-law-and-emissions-trading
- Environmental Protection Law
- Unit date:
- On-line recordings and reading from Monday 29 July 2024
- Interactive Sessions 27 – 29 August 2024
- Details: This short course is for legal practitioners and other professionals interested in the environmental protection regulatory framework in Western Australia, in its national and international contexts.
- The course will explore six themes:
- Key definitions, institutions and objectives of Environmental Protection Law;
- The policy instruments and information tools that underpin environmental protection;
- Regulatory controls on particular activities causing pollution and environmental harm;
- Environmental Impact Assessment at the State and Federal level;
- Criminal liabilities under the WA and Federal legislation; and
- Civil liabilities under the WA and Federal legislation and at common law.
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration: https://events.humanitix.com/environmental-protection-law
- Unit date:
- Legal Issues for Not-for-Profits
- Unit date: 3 – 6 September 2024
- Details: This four-day executive education short course examines the nature, function, governance and regulation of not-for-profit (NFP) entities in Australia, with a focus on charities. The unit approaches these issues on a life-cycle basis, examining aspects of formation, governance, tax and fundraising concessions, regulatory requirements and dissolution restrictions applicable to NFP entities under statute and the common law. The course engages with research, comparative perspectives and recent developments in the law to critique the extent to which the current framework for NFP entities encourages innovative, independent and efficient processes and activities for the public benefit, whilst also ensuring the accountability and integrity of the NFP sector. In doing so, we will examine boundary issues such as the provision of private benefits, the commerce/NFP boundary and the government/NFP boundary. Lawyers, accountants, government officials, board members and NFP managers will benefit from this course.
- Price: $3,300 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration: https://events.humanitix.com/legal-issues-for-not-for-profits
- Construction Law
- Unit date: 25 – 27 September 2024
- Details: This course covers several important doctrines of contract law and equity, as well as key legislation specific to issues which commonly arise under construction contracts. In an effort to explore all of these areas of the law, we will follow the journey through a hypothetical project for the design and construction of hybrid solar/battery, gas-fired power supply infrastructure for a gold mine in Western Australia, from negotiation of the contract through some of the issues which most often arise, to a consideration of dispute resolution of those issues.
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points.
- Further information and registration visit, https://events.humanitix.com/construction-law
- Double Tax Agreements and International Tax Law
- Unit date: 1 – 4 October 2024
- Details: This course examines these core principles of international tax law as they apply around the world and the policy issues supporting them. It is not based upon Australian tax law. Topics include:
- double taxation agreements with a focus on the current version of the OECD model
- global issues in relation to transfer pricing and thin capitalisation rules
- international tax avoidance
- current debates in relation to base erosion and profit shifting
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration: https://events.humanitix.com/double-tax-agreements-and-international-tax-law
- Mining Law
- Unit date: 30 October – 1 November 2024
- Details: This workshop will provide an intensive course of study about the legal and policy essentials of mining regulation in Western Australia. It is designed to be a comprehensive review for lawyers, professionals and business people, non-government organisations and government administrators working in or with WA’s Mining Law. The three-day workshop will comprise eight sessions, each morning and afternoon, comprising lectures and tutorial discussions of problems raising the issues of law presented in the lecture. There will also be interactive seminars.
- Price: $3,300.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
- CPD: For attendance at this short course, practitioners are entitled up to 10 CPD points
- Further information and registration: https://events.humanitix.com/mining-law
Events & opportunities
- George Winterton Memorial Lecture
- The annual George Winterton Memorial Lecture will be held in Perth on Thursday 11 April 2024. This lecture commemorates the outstanding and lasting contribution of Professor George Winterton to constitutional law scholarship and teaching. The Lecture is usually hosted by The University of Sydney Law School, but every three years it is hosted by UWA Law School in recognition of Professor Winterton as an esteemed alumnus. For further information and registration visit: https://bit.ly/GeorgeWintertonMemorialLecture
- Frank Beasley Medal
- On Friday 17 November 2023, UWA Law School will hold the biannual Frank Beasley Medal dinner in the Beasley Law Library. The Frank Beasley Medal is awarded to distinguished UWA Law School alumni and scholars who have made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the law and the advancement of justice in Western Australia and to legal education at UWA. In 2023, the Medal will be awarded to barrister and former Law School lecturer John Fiocco and UWA Emeritus Professor Peter Handford.
- Private and Commercial Law Conference
The annual Private and Commercial Law Conference will be hosted at the UWA Law School on 14–15 December 2023. The 2023 program contains papers by leading and emerging private law scholars from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Singapore, and New Zealand. Panels are arranged thematically and will cover a wide range of topical issues in private law including in the areas of contract, equity, trusts, torts, and unjust enrichment. CPD points are available for in person attendance. Register to attend.
- Judge in Residence Scheme
The Judge in Residence program encourages and fosters engagement between the judiciary and Law School staff and students. It supports sitting and retired judges to engage in academic activities, including writing and developing research topics and projects.
The 2022 Judge in Residence is The Honourable David Newnes. Open to sitting judges during a sabbatical (WA, Australia, overseas) or retired state, federal and High Court judges (including overseas judges) who wish to be part of the Law School community, the Judge in Residence program offers:
- The opportunity to be involved in the life of the UWA Law School.
- An office in the UWA Law School.
- Access to UWA Library facilities and service during your time in residence.
- Access to student researchers (with payment arrangements subject to negotiation).
- The opportunity to guest lecture and make other presentations to students and staff.
- Audit of postgraduate units taught by the UWA Law School.
In return, the Judge in Residence:
- Has regular interaction with members of the Law School.
- Provides informal mentoring of academic staff and students.
- Maintains a regular presence at the Law School (at least once a week) throughout their residency.
- Has opportunities to contribute to teaching.
How to apply
Contact Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head (Community and Engagement) Jacinta Dharmananda:
Tel: +61 8 6488 3955
Email: [email protected] - The Dean’s Foundation
- In 2022, UWA Law School launched a corporate donor program, the Dean’s Foundation. The Dean’s Foundation is a corporate donor program that creates long-term partnerships between your organisation and UWA Law School to ensure our continued success in producing remarkable graduates. Your organisation can become a member of the Foundation by making a financial contribution, and the Law School will work with you to determine how your contribution will be used. For more information, go to the Dean’s Foundation website.
- Law School Advisory Board
- The role of the Law School Advisory Board is to provide advice and an external perspective on the Law School’s strategic direction. This includes, for example, the direction and scope of the School’s teaching programs and research activities, its external engagement, and fundraising. We are fortunate to have a Board that consists of members of the legal profession from a diverse range of roles, experience and levels of seniority. For current members of our Advisory Board, please see here.
- UWA Mediation Clinic
The UWA Mediation Clinic offers a tailored mediation service to help people to resolve University, workplace, family and community conflict.
- Visiting scholars
The UWA Law School’s Visiting Scholars Program hosts academics from around Australia and overseas to undertake research and to participate in the communal life of the Law School. Approved visiting scholars are provided with a workspace, IT access and a computer (where possible) and library access. They are encouraged to participate in the academic life of the Law School and University, including seminars and public lectures.
Application process
Prospective visitors should email the following to the visiting scholars coordinator at least three months prior to their intended visit:
- a brief curriculum vitae that includes details of academic employment, qualifications and publications
- a one- to two-page proposal outlining the research project, planned collaboration with UWA Law staff and any other activities intended during the visit
- a copy of a letter from your home university confirming that you are an academic (not a student) and will be taking sabbatical leave for the duration of your visiting academic appointment, and confirming that you will be returning to full-time employment when the visiting appointment ceases
- copy of biodata page (photograph page) of passport (if available). An appropriate visa must have been obtained to allow commencement of this appointment
Applications are considered in advance of the proposed visit and all applicants will be notified as soon as possible after a decision is reached. Any further information that is required to implement the decision will be sought at this point. The Visiting Scholars Program receives many applications from prospective visitors and unfortunately not all can be supported.
- Legal internship and Clinical Legal Education
The Law School provides a Clinical Legal Education program through which our students can participate in local, national and international legal internships with law firms, courts, government agencies, non-governmental organisations and the UWA Mediation Clinic. The focus is upon social justice and commercial placements. If your organisation is interested in offering an internship to a law student, to find out more please refer to our ‘Internship Expressions of Interest’ webpage.
- Tutoring in the Law School
The Law School often needs sessional teachers (tutors) for law subjects in the Juris Doctor (JD) and in undergraduate units. If you are interested in tutoring, as a first step, please contact the unit coordinator of the unit you are interested in working in to see if they have availability.
Past events
- John Toohey Oration
The John Toohey Oration is a biannual Oration organised by the UWA Law School. The Oration, which commenced in 1998, honours the career and contribution to public life of a distinguished graduate of The University of Western Australia, the Hon. John Leslie Toohey. After graduating in Arts and Law, the Honourable John Leslie Toohey AC QC went on to become an outstanding legal practitioner and, as a Justice of the High Court of Australia, one of the country's most eminent jurists. The Oration is given by distinguished speakers on a variety of topics.
The most recent Toohey Oration was given by the Hon. Virginia Bell AC in September 2023.
For more details about the Hon. John Toohey AC QC and details of past Oration speakers, visit the John Toohey Oration Lecture Series.
- Launch of Guide and Research Report for Charities on Utilising Restricted Reserves
The WA charity sector plays a critical role in improving many aspects of the lives of Western Australians, particularly some of our most vulnerable. Recent crises such as COVID-19 and the Global Financial Crisis exposed the challenges charities can face in responding to changing circumstances, highlighting some of the legal barriers they can face in accessing their reserves in times of great need. Donor restrictions on gifts, which may no longer be appropriate in the changed circumstances of a crisis, can become a key problem.
Researchers from The University of Western Australia, Murdoch University and Curtin University, with the help of a Research Advisory Group and funding support from Lotterywest, examined the difficulties caused by donor restrictions, their legal characterisation, and methods for seeking changes to restrictions that are no longer fit for purpose. The research included legal research, workshops and interviews with WA charities and their legal advisors and others.
Lucy Westcott (Senior Manager Grants Policy, Lotterywest), Miranda Elliot (Senior Assistant State Solicitor, State Solicitor's Office) and Natalie Skead (Dean, UWA Law School) helped launch the report and guide on Wednesday 24 May 2023.
The Utilising Restricted Reserves Report and the Utilising Restricted Reserves Guide are freely available and you are welcome to circulate them to your networks. They provide information and advice on potential legal treatment and mechanisms to amend historic restrictions, as well as guidance on preventative steps that charities can take with future gifts to avoid unwanted or inappropriate restrictions. - Address by Justice James Edelman, High Court of Australia
On Wednesday 26 October, UWA Law School hosted an address by the Honourable Justice James Edelman, Justice of the High Court of Australia. Justice Edelman spoke on the topic ‘Aliens, Citizens, and Indigenous Australians’. The speech addressed 51(xix) of the Constitution and the view that people of the Commonwealth are either citizens or aliens.
- French Dialogues: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Humans: Should we unplug the machines? October 2022
UWA Law School and the Minderoo Tech & Policy Lab in the Law School held the inaugural French Dialogues on Thursday 6 October 2022 at 5.30pm. The French Dialogues is a panel of experts from various disciplines who discuss a contemporary and pressing issue.
The 2022 Dialogues addressed 'The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Humans: Should we unplug the machines?'. The panel consisted of experts from law, computer science, business and the humanities. The French Dialogues honours the Hon. Robert French AC, a UWA Law School alumnus (LLB ’71), former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia and current Chancellor of UWA.
- Address by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Singapore, Sundaresh Menon, July 2022
UWA Law School and the Supreme Court of Western Australia hosted an address by Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Singapore on Wednesday 27 July 2022 in the Supreme Court of WA, Stirling Gardens.
The topic of the Chief Justice’s address was 'The Law of Commerce in the 21st Century: Transnational Commercial Justice Amidst the Wax and Wane of Globalisation.'
A copy of the Chief Justice's paper is available here.
Celebrating UWA's Australia Day Honours recipients
Western Australian-born High Court Justice James Edelman was one of only six Australians to be awarded the nation’s highest honour — the Companion of the Order of Australia — in this year’s Australia Day Honours.
Read morePanel examines free speech at universities
A public panel discussion exploring the issues surrounding free speech on university campuses was hosted by UWA’s Law School last week.
Read moreAwards and achievements October
The University of Western Australia has a continual roll call of awards, scholarships and prizes presented to staff and students.
Read moreObiter Dicta - our news
Read the last issues of Obiter Dicta, our newsletter for alumni, staff and community:
Alumni who would like to receive copies of the newsletter should update their details.
To read previous editions of Obiter Dicta, visit our archive.
UWA Law School (M253)
Opening hours: 8.30am – 4pm