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United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise Western Australia

Education for Sustainable Development

Who we are

United Nations Regional Centres of Expertise (UNRCE) strive to provide and facilitate Education for Sustainable Development in local and regional communities by bringing together formal, non-formal and informal organisations.

Joining the global network of 190 UNRCEs, UNRCE WA serves as a platform for promoting education for sustainable development (ESD) within the region, fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and innovation towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UWA is the secretariat of the UNRCE WA.

Our network of institutions and individuals are committed to using education and learning as tools for building a sustainable future.

Education for Sustainable Development

UNRCE WA is committed to further generating, accelerating and mainstreaming Education for Sustainable Development and contributing to the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, starting locally. UNRCE WA facilitates multi-stakeholder partnerships including educators, researchers, government bodies, community organizations, and businesses to co-create and implement sustainable solutions that address local and global challenges. Aligned directly to the Roadmap for the UNRCE Community 2021-2030, the UNRCE WA strives to:

  • Promote and advance Education for Sustainable Development initiatives across the region to foster a culture of sustainability, innovation, and lifelong learning.
  • Facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among stakeholders to enhance the understanding of sustainable development challenges and solutions.
  • Support capacity building and knowledge-sharing activities that empower individuals and communities to contribute to the SDGs.
  • Develop partnerships and networks to leverage expertise, resources, and best practices towards sustainable development.
  • Contribute to the implementation of the 2030 UNRCE roadmap by aligning activities and initiatives with the Global UNRCE Network's goals and priorities.

Interested in joining the UNRCE WA or joining our mailing list to learn about upcoming meetings and events?

Please contact the UNRCE WA secretariat with your details and areas of interest.

Collaborative Action Grants

The UNRCE WA Collaborative Action Grants aim to support innovative projects that advance Education for Sustainable Development and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Grants of up to $3000 each are available to fund projects that use education and learning as tools for building a sustainable future. The total available funding is $6000.

Interdisciplinary and intersectoral partnerships are key to accelerating sustainable development. Collaboration allows expertise and shared resources from a range of stakeholders to be leveraged, facilitates knowledge-sharing and the development of innovative solutions.

By fostering collaboration and partnership, these grants seek to turn ideas to action and support initiatives that create lasting impacts on local and regional communities in Western Australia. Applicants should indicate if their initiative is sustainable, scalable and replicable, with the goal of creating positive impact and change that extends beyond the grant period.

  • Grant details

    Grant aims

    • Promote Education for Sustainable Development through formal and or informal education initiatives and foster a culture of sustainability and lifelong learning in WA
    • Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing across disciplines and sectors to facilitate the co-creation of sustainable initiatives that address local and global challenges.
    • Support projects that clearly align with addressing one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals at a local and regional level.
    • Empower and build capacity for individuals and communities including through skill development and leveraging resources and information toward a sustainable future.

    Grant timeline

    • Applications extended to July 31 2024
    • Implementation period: August 2024 – 31 June 2025
    • Midway progress report due: 10 December 2024
    • Final report due: 31 July 2025

    Grant eligibility and conditions

    • Open to organisations and groups within Western Australia.
    • Projects must align with the objectives of UNRCE WA, promoting education for sustainable development and contributing to addressing one or more of the SDGs.
    • Projects must involve two or more groups/organisations collaborating towards ESD.
    • The funding should be used to create a new initiative or support the extension and further development of an existing initiative. It can be used to support research development.
    • Organisations can apply for more than one grant if they have more than one collaborative initiative/proposal.
    • If successful, acknowledge funding from UWA as the secretariat for the United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise WA in all materials associated with the initiative. Consent to sharing project reports with the UNRCE WA Secretariat for reporting at the global level and successful projects will be showcased on the UNRCE WA website and other platforms

Tsuha Global Fellows Program

The University of Western Australia, in partnership with Oregon Health & Science University are proud to provide the Tsuha Global Fellows Program. The Program provides tailored support for the next generation of leaders from low-and middle-income countries to alleviate poverty in their home countries though projects focused on the United nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Fellows are supported to access targeted educational, mentorship and networking opportunities including conferences, courses and project support as well as in person retreats for the cohort.

Applications close August 30th 2024.

Apply for the Tsuha Global Fellows Program

UNRCE WA Projects

Wave Hello to Renewable Energy

Led by Marine Energy Research Australia, Wave Hello to Renewable Energy is an interactive portable demonstration of coastal impact and wave energy for use at public events and schools. The demonstration involves a wave tank and small 3D-printed wave energy converter models for participants of all ages to experiment with. Delivered by a STEM professional from the Great Southern region, this project supports experiential learning and focuses on STEM and innovation. Classroom resources are also available.

Applied Training Pathways & Waste Reduction

An alternative job-ready educational pathway developed through a partnership between WorklinkWA and the City of Albany’s waste facility. Waste items from local trade businesses, such as wooden pallets, are being used for guided construction projects that teach practical skills. More broadly though, as a training ecosystem, this program delivers supportive life skills to small communities of at-risk youth who might otherwise get trapped in a vicious cycle of unemployment and barriers.

History and Future of Albany’s Foreshore

A portfolio of sustainability initiatives that celebrate the historic significance of Albany Port, connecting it to the Albany community. Southern Ports, working with the City of Albany and regional stakeholders, have developed contemporary approaches to re-imagining their historic Pilot Cottages and to joining a new cruise ship terminal with the growing tourist precinct on the Albany foreshore. For several years, UWA School of Design (Architecture) students have completed Summer School Studio field components in Albany to design concepts for these Port areas.

A UN Regional Centre of Expertise (UNRCE) is not a physical centre or building, but rather an apolitical network of individuals, organisations and experts who understand the sustainability challenges in their home regions and are committed to using education as a tool for building a sustainable future. The Secretariat is located at:

Address: University of Western Australia,
Administration Building 102.134
                35 Stirling Highway, Crawley 6007.

Phone: 08 6488 8176

Email: [email protected]

Banner artwork by Shandell Cummings, Kaal (Fire)
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