Request academic documents
As a current or previous student, you can order a range of official documents that can provide details or verification of your study at UWA.
The most common document ordered is a Statement of Academic Record (transcript), which lists all courses and units attempted at UWA. You can see a sample of this and other documents on this page. If you are unsure which document you might need, you can submit a query through askUWA for some advice.
We are unable to provide academic documents to students who currently have an academic or administrative encumbrance on their record. If you need to clear an encumbrance, contact us through askUWA.
For pricing and further information please see academic documents.
Past students
Students who have graduated or studied at UWA previously, who cannot log in with a Pheme password, can order and pay for documents online. For privacy protection, you must first obtain a photographic identity verification link (valid for a single order within two weeks). Alternatively, order in person at Student Administration.