UWA Security services
SafeZone app
Download the SafeZone app to help you stay safe at UWA. With the simple press of a button, you will be connected directly with UWA Security if you ever need help on campus, 24/7. SafeZone is a free smartphone app for all students, staff, and visitors to UWA.
Learn more
Security escort service
At times you may feel as though you need an escort from your building to another location on campus. We offer an after-hours escort service to car parks, colleges and nearby UWA accommodation, every day of the year.
Simply call 6488 2222 for a prompt response from a uniformed UWA Security Officer.
Help points and walk safe routes
Easily recognisable by their blue and white checkered band, help point emergency phones are located throughout campus. Press the red button for a direct connection to Security – no dialling required. Additionally, well-lit and frequently patrolled walk safe pathways offer an extra layer of security, especially at night.
24/7 patrols
Security Officers conduct regular patrols across campus grounds and buildings, ensuring a watchful presence throughout the day and night, every day of the year.
SMS - When verbal communications is not possible
UWA’s SMS text message service is for situations when verbal communications is not possible.
How it works:
- Send a brief text message to 0419 227 915 (maximum of 160 characters) or add ‘URGENT’ in front of the message if immediate assistance is required.
- You will receive an automated reply within 1-2 minutes confirming receipt of your message.
- A UWA Security Officer will then follow up to address your situation.

Assistance and security checks
Our Security Officers are here to help. They can answer security-related questions, check building perimeters and interiors, patrol parking areas and pathways, and conduct identifications when necessary to safeguard everyone and University property.

Security Operations Centre
Operating 24/7, the Centre serves as the hub for all security services. They constantly monitor security cameras, respond to alarms and service calls, ensuring a swift and coordinated response to any incident.

Building access
If you have lost keys to your office, or need access to a building, contact Security on 6488 2222
Staff: Request building access via the Staff Intranet