
Resources are available to you as a student but these do vary depending on the faculty in which you enrol.

Discuss the provision of facilities, such as offices, computers, telephones, printing and stationery, early in the application phase, so you have a realistic expectation of what is available.

Facilities and resources that can be provided by the faculties can include (among other things):

  • specialised equipment necessary to carry out your research
  • financial assistance (for example, with field work or preparation and distribution of questionnaires and surveys)
  • statistical assistance

On your application form, the head of school is required to make certain declarations regarding facilities and equipment needed by you. These will be taken into account by the Graduate Research School.

More information on resources is available from the Graduate Research School.

It is important that you are as clear as possible about the special equipment and resources you believe will be necessary to carry out your research and to communicate this to your prospective supervisor and head of school.