Student visas

Student visas (subclass 500)

To study as an international student in Australia, you will need to obtain a student visa before travelling and starting your studies. For a full-time course, you’ll need to hold a valid student visa for the full duration of your program.

With a student visa (subclass 500), you will be able to:

  • Take part in your full-time course at The University of Western Australia
  • Travel in and out of the country during the timeframe of your course
  • Work in Australia for the duration of your course
  • Bring your family members to Australia for your intended study period

If you’ve entered Australia on a temporary resident visa or another category of visa that allows you to study, you may be able to enrol to study part-time but will have to pay the full cost of your tuition before commencing your studies.

See visa options

Before you apply for a student visa

You can apply for a student visa (subclass 500) after you’ve received a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from the University. This will be required by the Department of Home Affairs when you submit your visa application.

We will issue you with a CoE after you have:

  • formally accepted your offer of a place
  • returned your signed acceptance and refund forms
  • paid the fee for your first semester of study
  • arranged overseas student health cover (OSHC)

You will need to supply other supporting documentation when lodging your application. Use the Document Checklist Tool to help gather these documents before you apply for your student visa.

Application process

The student visa application process is handled by the Australian Department of Home Affairs and can be submitted online. Some of our international agents can also help you submit your application.

Students under 18 years

If you’re a student under 18 years, you’ll need to prove you have appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements while studying here in Australia. This means having a carer and accommodation approved by the University, or living in accommodation and a welfare arrangement approved by Home Affairs (this is usually a relative).

Visa conditions

You must read and understand the conditions and requirements for your student visa.

Applying for family

If you would like to bring your family with you to Australia, you can include members on your application.

Application payments

You will be required to pay the visa application charge for you and your family members for your application to be valid.

Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)

Students will need to obtain a Post-Higher Education Work stream visa to stay in Perth after graduating from UWA.

With a Post-Higher Education Work stream visa, you will be able to:

  • live and work in Australia after you complete your studies
  • bring your family members to Australia for your visa duration

See visa options

Determining how long you can stay in Australia after you graduate

In Perth, you may be eligible to stay and work for up to 3* or 4* years after you graduate from an eligible course, as you have studied in a ‘regional centre’. This is one year more than graduates from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane.

Scenario Perth
Bachelor's degree up to 3 years*
Master's (coursework and extended) degree up to 3 years*
Master's (research) degree up to 3 years*
PhD qualification up to 4 years*

* Additional year is dependent on the successful application of a Second Post-Higher Education Work stream visa (subclass 485 visa).

Before you apply for a Post-Higher Education Work stream visa 

To apply for a Post-Higher Education Work stream visa, you will need to:

  • have held a student visa in the last six months
  • graduate from a CRICOS-registered course
  • have health insurance and meet health requirements
  • meet all other Post-Higher Education Work stream visa requirements

If you live, work or study in Perth (or another regional area) during your Post-Higher Education Work stream visa (subclass 485), you may be able to apply for an additional year via a Second Post-Higher Education Work stream visa.

Application process

The visa application process is handled by the Australian Department of Home Affairs and can be submitted online.

For more information about visas, visit the Department of Home Affairs website.

Frequently asked questions

When should I apply for my student visa?
You should apply for your student visa as soon as you receive your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from the University, as it may take some time for your application to be processed.
What's a full-time study load?
For UWA courses, a standard full-time enrolment is 24 credit points (4 units) per semester, or 48 credit points (8 units) per academic year. To satisfy your student visa requirements, you will need to maintain a standard full-time study load.
How long can I stay in Australia with a student visa?
With a student visa, you can stay in Australia for up to five years, depending on the length of your course. On a student visa, studies will need to be completed within the expected duration outlined in your CoE. To stay longer, you will need to apply for a new Student visa.
Can I apply for a Student visa whilst in Australia?

Starting 1 July 2024, holders of certain visas, including Visitor and Temporary Graduate visas, will no longer be able to apply for Student visas while in Australia.

Student visa applicants with a genuine intention to pursue studies in Australia will still be able to apply for a Student visa from offshore (outside of Australia).

How long does it take to process a Post-Higher Education Work stream visa?
Processing times for Post-Higher Education Work stream visas can vary. We recommend applying for your visa as soon as possible, after completing your studies at UWA.
Can I apply for a Post-Higher Education Work stream visa if I am studying offshore?
Students that are studying offshore at UWA can apply for a Post-Higher Education Work stream visa if they meet the eligibility requirements outlined by the Department of Home Affairs.

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