Seven Public Health students share their experiences in the course and why they chose to study this important area of health.
"I chose to study the Master of Public Health course because I wanted to pursue a career in public health, which promotes healthy living in the WA community. The public health course encompasses a wide range of health topics, which I'm very interested in, such as health promotion, nutrition, Indigenous health and chronic disease prevention.
"I did my practicum placement at RUAH Community Services in Subiaco, working on one project for about six to eight weeks. The project was based on how men could be role models in preventing female domestic violence. As part of my practicum placement, I had the chance to interview the male staff at RUAH and got to get their insights on how men could be effective role models in preventing gender-based violence.
"I really enjoyed that process and I've definitely gained a wide range of valuable skills that would be beneficial to me in the future, such as project management skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving and even had the chance to help out at a homeless shelter in Northbridge. It was a wonderful experience for sure."
Ravi Kasiram
"I have a passion for helping others and helping the community to live their healthiest lives possible. As a pharmacist, I wanted to increase my job opportunities and branch out into a population health role to complement my clinical skills.
"UWA has an excellent reputation, particularly in research. I wanted a master’s from a university that was internationally recognised.
Every unit was interesting and applied to the real world, igniting my passion for public health and expanding my knowledge.
Melissa Coci

"The Master of Public Health practicum gave me experience into what working in the real world is like for a public health professional.
"My decision to work with a non-for-profit organisation provided me with insights into disability healthcare and supported employment, and equipped me with the tools to manage and facilitate a community-based project for children with limb differences.
"The practicum has also been a great way for me to build networks. I was surrounded by a diverse and encouraging group of people, and working with them has been helpful in developing my confidence, personal growth and professional capabilities.
"The practicum was an invaluable opportunity and has been beneficial in enabling me to pursue a career in public health."
Shauna Jacob
"While working full time with the WA Department of Health, I decided to complete my Master of Public Health to gain a deeper understanding of health systems, policy and public health.
"I currently work as a Project Officer in the Clinical Excellence Division, designing a digital app for patients’ appointments. I develop Gantt charts, budgets and evaluation tools, all of which were taught during my degree.
"My advice for future students is not to be afraid of failure – no one expects you to be perfect. Experience and resilience can teach you many lessons."
Christina Turoc
"I chose to do the Master of Public Health here at UWA because I think the School offers a very broad array of units that appeal to me. My primary interest when I did my undergraduate degree was science, so it was more lab-based research. When I decided to move into public health, I saw that as a wonderful opportunity to be able to bring forward all the work that's done in the research arena to become translated on the ground and make that actual impact within populations.
"Over time as I've continued through with the master’s, I've discovered what units I'm really interested in and passionate about. I absolutely love those units because they are really the evidence that comes through to translate into the impacts that happen in the community. That’s what really excited me and equally I'm excited, once I complete this degree, to go out and bring all of that study I've done into life and experience the real world."
Paul Knight
I enjoy the atmosphere and opportunities that UWA provides. The lecturers are great, our master’s coordinator is fantastic, and I feel like I’m learning the relevant skills to work in the industry.
"I’ve been lucky enough to have some work experience in the industry already. I see the importance of prevention over a cure for many health conditions, and wanted to be in a position where I could make a change."
Alice Wrobel
"After completing my undergraduate degree in Population Health, I decided to further my skills through the Master of Public Health.
"During the course, I completed a three-month practicum with the WA Tuberculosis Control Program where I evaluated the compliance of vaccination programs. I still continue to use these evaluation skills in my current role.
"I’m so glad I chose to study public health because you’re able to shape the pathway you take, depending on what public health means to you and your areas of interest."
Jessica Jensen
Want to explore where studies in public health could take you? Check out our Master of Public Health and Master of Public Health with Specialisation for more details.