Essays in French Literature was founded in 1963 by the late James R. Lawler. In 2005, the journal expanded its name to Essays in French Literature and Culture as a way to open its pages to contemporary worldwide currents in French and francophone studies.
Published by the French programme at the University of Western Australia, Essays is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal with an international Editorial Board and Advisory Board. The journal is indexed on Thompson Index and Scopus, and available on Ebsco, Proquest and Informit.
Recent issues are now available both in print and Open Access.
Currently Prof. Hélène Jaccomard and A/Prof. Bonnie Thomas are respectively Managing Editor and Associate Editor.
- Contents
Each of the journal's yearly issues covers a particular theme relevant to French and Francophone literature and cultures, and reflecting current intellectual, cultural and literary debates. Essays also includes a miscellaneous section to welcome contributions of note, not fitting in the issue's theme and, occasionally, we publish creative pieces such as poetry or interviews.
Please browse the Essays website to access issues and articles.The journal is indexed in the Thomson Citation Index and publishes referred articles in French or in English of about 5000-word length.
Recent themes have included:- “Mines de rien". L’Antillaise et l’Afropéenne face aux tropologies, entre mythes et réalités au fil du temps (2019)
- Identity and Environment (2020)
- Critical Medical Humanities (2021)
- Retranslation revisited/La Retraduction revisitée (2022)
- Matters of Taste/Questions de goût (2023)
- “Pioneering the Field of Francophone Caribbean Literature” In memoriam of Professor Beverley Ormerod Noakes (2024)
- Ordering the journal
Order online the hard or soft copy (pdf) of the journal directly through the UWA e-shop.
The journal is available both in print and online via Informit, Proquest and Ebsco.
After a three-month grace period from the time of release, normally in October of each year, the latest issues are offered in Open Access on the Essays and French Literature and Culture dedicated website and on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
- Contributions
Email articles to: Essays in French Literature and Culture
Guidelines for contributors: Follow these guidelines when submitting articles for publication.
- Publication ethics and malpractice statement
The University of Western Australia is committed to ensuring that all works published in our journals are of the highest quality and scrutinised under the highest ethical standards. We expect editors, reviewers, and authors working on, and contributing to, our journals to be committed to upholding these high ethical standards as well. The University hereby adheres to the current copyright laws and practices set out by the Official Copyright Board of Australia.
Editors must:
- Have editorial boards or other governing bodies whose members are recognised experts in the field(s) discussed in the publication
- Disclose full names and affiliations of the editorial board members on the journal’s website
- Have guidelines for retracting or correcting articles when needed; always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed
- Subject all of the journal’s scholarly content to peer review and ensure confidentiality during the peer review process, and ensure that it is impartial, unbiased, and timely
Authors must:
- Certify in writing that neither the article submitted nor a version of it (in any language) has been published, nor is publicly available online, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere, nor will be submitted elsewhere for consideration for publication while the manuscript is under review by the journal
- Cites sources accurately and in accordance with the journal’s submission guidelines
- Ensure that all permissions have been obtained for all images, graphics, and supplementary materials prior to publication
Peer Reviewers must:
- Disclose any potential or immediate conflict of interest in the review of a submission
- Ensure confidentiality during the peer review process
- Recuse themselves if they are certain of the identity of the author(s) in order to maintain the integrity of the blind review process (when applicable)
- Review manuscripts in an objective, impartial, unbiased, and timely manner
Procedures for addressing unethical behaviours:
- Unethical practices may include, but are not limited to, violations of any of the ethical expectations (e.g. plagiarism, falsification or fabrication, authorship falsification, redundant publication, undeclared COI, etc.).
- The person reporting the ethical breach must provide sufficient evidence in order for an investigation to be undertaken and to avoid claims of defamation.
- All allegations are treated equally and taken seriously until a conclusion has been reached.
Consequences depending on seriousness of breach:
- Inform the author or reviewer of the breach in misconduct in cases where there seems to be a misunderstanding of ethical standards.
- For other breaches, send a formal letter to the author or reviewer’s employer or funding agency.
- Publish an erratum notice outlining the breach or undertake a formal retraction or withdrawal of the work in question from the journal, coupled with informing A&I services and readership of the misconduct.
- Reporting the misconduct to a regulatory association for review and action.
- Further information