
At OzGrav-UWA we study...

High Power Laser Cavities

Gravitational wave detectors are the most sensitive instruments ever created, able to detect motions of ~10-20 metres. The UWA group is part of the Australian consortium (ACIGA) and contribute advanced techniques to the LIGO international collaboration. At the 80m high optical power facility at Gingin, we experiment on:

  • High power laser suspended cavities
  • Parametric instability control
  • Thermal compensation of thermal distortions due to absorption in high power optical systems
  • Silicon optics in high power cavities


We are using microgram/nanogram mechanical resonator mirrors to investigate schemes such as optical dilution, optomechanically induced transparency, frequency dependent squeezing, filter cavities and white light cavities for further lowing the quantum limit for gravitational wave detectors.

The development of advanced techniques to improve the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors leads to exciting new physics phenomena and techniques that may have application beyond gravitational wave detectors.

High Performance Vibration Isolation and Control

The extreme challenges of vibration isolation for gravitational wave detection have led to numerous technical innovations and quite revolutionary approaches. Multi-stage isolation systems achieve 240dB of isolation, while isolation frequencies are as low as 20mHz are controlled with complicated control systems. Many of these isolation systems can be adapted to industrial applications where the requirements are usually much less demanding.

Exploration Instrumentation

The gravity group in UWA has collaborative research with CGG Aviation Australia. Our expertise includes the following:

  • Very low frequency airborne EM sensors designed to double the exploration depth of EM sensors
  • Vibrating silicon optical magnetometer
  • Suppression of rotational vibration in airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and gravity gradiometer systems

The Geothermal Project

The OzGrav-UWA pioneered direct geothermal cooling technology in WA. Two major systems have been installed at Gingin. Both systems use about 10% of the energy that would be required for conventional airconditioning.

The OzGrav-UWA is working with the WA Centre of Excellence for Geothermal Energy to design advanced geothermal temperature control systems for the planned large scale gravitational observatory.

Environmental Seismic Monitoring
Environmental noises such as microseismic noise from the ocean, wind, earthquakes from far away and human activities nearby could all affect the operation of the gravitational wave detectors.  We are working with UWA Geophysics to set up seismic monitoring system.  We aim to develop a complete monitoring system incorporating the seismic data with other environment data to assist the operation of the 80m suspended high power optical cavity and collect data for potential site for future large scale detector. 
The Einstein-First Project
The Einstein-First research project is a collaboration between The Gravity Discovery Centre (GDC), The Graham (Polly) Farmer Foundation, and three universities in Perth: The University of Western Australia (UWA), Curtin University and Edith Cowan University. It is closely linked to UWA’s participation in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) Scientific Collaboration through the Education and Public Outreach Working Group.
Robotic Telescope and Multi-Messenger Astronomy
Go to Zadko Telescope
Gravitational Wave Discovery

Gravitational wave detection, online detection and follow-up.

High Performance Computing for Gravitational Wave Discovery
Supercomputing GPU acceleration, algorithm design and optimisation.
Joint Gravitational Wave and Electromagnetic Searches
GW-FRB search and multi-messenger astronomy.