WASO Magic Spirit | Together we Sing

Event details


Date and time

  • Friday 6 October 2023 and Saturday 7 October 2023, 7.30pm

Event type

  • Voice


  • Anyone who likes music
  • Community

Event Fee

  • From $30


  • Registration
Book now

The Symphonic Chorus of UWA joins WASO in some of the most beloved of all choral works. William Barton shares the beauty and majesty of the world’s oldest living culture in Apii Thatini Mu Murtu (To sing and carry a coolamon on country together). This celebration of Kalkadoon country will resound through the Perth Concert Hall as William's extraordinary voice and didgeridoo are magically woven together with the orchestra, creating a moving musical unity.

Quiet and reflective, Fauré's Requiem is one of the most beloved of all choral works. Avoiding the fire and brimstone dramatics of a traditional Requiem Mass, Fauré; instead offers music of peacefulness and serenity.

Maurice RAVELMa Mère l’Oye (Mother Goose) - Suite
William BARTON Apii Thatini Mu Murtu
Gabriel FAURÉCantique de Jean Racine
Gabriel FAURÉ Requiem

Benjamin Northey conductor
William Barton didgeridoo/vocals
Rachelle Durkin soprano
Samuel Dundas baritone
WASO Chorus
UWA Symphonic Choir

Date: Friday 6 October 2023 and Saturday 7 October 2023

Time: 7.30pm

Location: Perth Concert Hall

Tickets: From $30