Professional Engineering Practicum and Portfolio

If you are enrolled in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) or the Master of Professional Engineering (MPE), then you must complete relevant, discipline-related work experience as part of your course requirements.

If you are enrolled in the Engineering Science Major and intend to continue into the Master of Professional Engineering (MPE), then you can also start relevant, discipline-related work experience during your undergraduate studies.

The primary aims of the professional practicum are:

  • to provide you with important insights into the work of engineers
  • to allow you to apply theory in practice
  • to help you develop generic competencies that will assist you in your future career

You will report on your experiences by preparing a portfolio of Career Episode Reports and submitting this in the unit GENG5010 Professional Engineering Portfolio. You will be automatically enrolled in this unit in the final semester of your studies. You can accrue hours towards the practicum at any time during your studies. You will not be able to graduate until this work experience is completed and a portfolio has been submitted and assessed as satisfactory. While your portfolio is due in your final semester of study, you are strongly encouraged to start working on it as early as possible.

What is the Professional Practicum? 

The Professional Practicum consists of at least 12 weeks, or 450 hours, of exposure to professional practice and engineering work experience. 

At least 300 hours of your practicum must comprise of placement(s) that are relevant to the discipline/ specialisation you are studying under the supervision of an engineer and which allow you to apply your technical engineering science knowledge.


Practicum Expectations

As part of the practicum you are expected to:

  • contact and liaise with employers to organise work experience
  • perform satisfactorily as assessed by your host supervisor
  • develop an understanding of your future role as a professional engineer 
  • reflect on work experiences and articulate your fulfilment of the 16 mandatory Elements of Competency outlined in the Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineer
  • prepare a clear and concise portfolio/report in English

Up to 150 hours of your professional practicum may be accrued by undertaking other suitable engineering activities or in a non-engineering work environment under certain conditions. These are educational, professional development or service activities that help to develop professional communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Examples include:

  • Engineering-related professional development activities

  • Engineering-related work or volunteering experiences

  • Non-engineering work and volunteering experiences

For a full list, examples and evidence required, please refer to your Engineering Professional Practicum Guideline. All placements claimed towards the Professional Practicum must be entered into SoniaOnline and approved.

Practicum Process Explained


So that we can better support you on your Practicum journey, you will be required to register your details and details of when you intend to undertake your professional engineering placement. You will receive a welcome email and a link to a Registration Form in our placement portal SoniaOnline.

SoniaOnline is a one stop placement portal. The portal is used to manage all aspects of your one registration with the WIL placement team and your placement(s). You can access all the procedural requirements, forms and other useful templates and resources.

Sourcing a placement

You are encouraged to seek your own placements so that you can follow your interests. Look for opportunities everywhere. We have multiple resources and services available at UWA, such as the UWA Careers and Employability Centre, to help you build the skills needed to find and secure opportunities.

We encourage you to access these resources to grow your industry knowledge and connections. Students who find success are often taking part in multiple internship/job search and work related activities including: 

  • networking through joining student societies and professional association bodies
  • attending events, speaking with lecturers, industry representatives and classmates
  • attending conferences
  • volunteering
  • taking part in ongoing learning opportunities
  • completing the UWA Careers and Employability Award program
Practicum Experiences Approval Process

It is important you ensure any activities and experiences you undertake and intend to include in your Professional Engineering Portfolio are suitable. All placements must be approved. You must also complete the UWA Pre-placement program via LMS before your first placement. 

Professional placement approval process: SoniaOnline

It is a requirement of your course to have your Professional Engineering Placement proposal reviewed and approved BEFORE you commence your placement. Once you have secured a placement, please submit your Engineering Placement Proposal in SoniaOnline. The proposal will be reviewed to ensure the placement is suitable and meets the learning outcomes of your course. 

Other experiences approval process 

Please submit any activities not listed in the Engineering Professional Practicum Guideline for review and approval by completing an Engineering Practicum – Other Experiences Proposal Form in SoniaOnline. You will be asked to include a clear explanation as to why the activity should be considered a suitable practicum experience and it will be evaluated on individual merit.

Recognition of prior placement 

If you have undertaken a placement prior to starting your Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) or MPE studies at UWA, you have an opportunity to get recognition for your previous placement(s). Please submit your Practicum – Recognition of Prior Placement Form in SoniaOnline

Before your placement

Placement preparation

In preparation for your placement, you will be required to complete UWA’s Pre-placement program via LMS. The program has been designed to help you make the most of your placement. The three modules will provide you with information and guidance on health and safety in a workplace, expectations and understanding of professional behaviour, feedback and performance.  You can complete the modules at any time, but no later than BEFORE the commencement of your placement. You will be asked to upload the Certificate of completion in SoniaOnline

Administrative arrangements

Depending on whether you undertake a paid or unpaid placement, you and your host organisation might be required to complete further paperwork.

During your placement

Check-in surveys

Once on your placement, you will be required to complete a check-in survey after completing 30 hours, then after completing 60 hours via a form in SoniaOnline. These surveys are an opportunity for us to check how your placement is progressing. We check with your host supervisor as well. 

Important: In case of any incidents, accidents or concerns, please do not wait for the survey and get in touch with your placement coordinator as soon as possible.    


Keep a Journal of your Placement Experiences  

It is strongly recommended that you keep a journal of your placement experience(s), which you can then refer to when working on your portfolio. Note down any information that will help you with the required content of the portfolio, including important dates, names of the people that you deal with, points of interest, personal observations of the work place, and your roles and activities. The journal should also describe how the experience has contributed to your development as a professional engineer, including the attainment of the 16 Elements of Competency in the Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineer and any lessons learnt. The journal and your notes will be instrumental when compiling your Professional Engineering Portfolio.

After your placement

You will be required to ask your host supervisor to complete a Certificate of Work Performed. Make sure you keep copies of all Certificates of Work Performed as these must be completed for each placement and included in your Portfolio. You will be also required to complete a final survey via a form in SoniaOnline.

Practicum Resources

Preparing for your experiences 

The Careers and Employability Centre and their team are your one stop shop for preparation. Located on campus in Student Central, access a wealth of resources to help you build your professional engineering identity. Workshops, videos, plus one-on-one consultations are available to discuss topics related to your resume, cover letter, internship/job search strategies and applications. 

Make sure you access:

  • Resume and Cover Letter workshops - To help prepare you for success in your application. Secure your spot by booking into these sessions via My UniHub.
  • CareerLab CV360 Review - Online resume-checking tool providing feedback on the structure of your resume. This tool is crucial for students considering companies who vet applications using algorithms. Once you have uploaded your resume to CV360, use the feedback provided to improve your resume. Our Careers team runs workshops on how to create and tailor your resume specific to a job, so make sure you attend one.
  • CareerLab Interview360 Practise - Practise your interview technique with Interview360, which includes a library of the most commonly asked interview questions. You can take mock interviews to come up with strong and confident answers under time pressure. You'll be provided with instant feedback and advice, and every question you answer will make you a stronger candidate.

Head to My UniHub to see and access all the services and resources and to book into workshops and individual appointments. 

  • LinkedIn Learning - a global online platform for developing or enhancing your professional and personal skills and employability.
Resources for students with a disability or medical condition

Register with UWA’s UniAccess. We can help with:

  • guidance on your rights disclosing your disability or medical condition including whether and how to disclose to potential host supervisors and employers 
  • guidance on the reasonable adjustments needed for you placement
  • support during your placement and to ensure you settle in to your new role
  • direct referrals to UWA services and programs that may also benefit you

Apply for an internship via Australian Network on Disability’s Stepping Into program. AND’s Stepping into program is a paid internship scheme that matches talented university students with disability with roles in leading Australian Businesses. 

Join AND’s PACE Mentoring program that helps bridge employment gap for jobseekers and students with disability. 

Discover resources in AND’s Job Seeker’s toolkit.

What is Professional Engineering Portfolio?

GENG5010 Professional Engineering Portfolio is a 0-pt unit and a compulsory course requirement of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Master of Professional Engineering. You will be automatically enrolled in this unit in your final semester of studies. The only assessment item in this unit is your portfolio. 

The portfolio requires you to demonstrate:

  • successful completion of at least 450 hours of suitable exposure to professional practice and relevant engineering placement experience, and 
  • attainment of the 16 Elements of Competency outlined in the Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineer. This is achieved by writing a small number of Career Episode Reports reflecting on your practicum and coursework experiences.

More information on the format of the Portfolio and the Career Episode Reports is available under the LMS Organisation EMS-Student-Experience. 

You must submit your portfolio no later than on the last day of week 12 of the teaching period of your final semester otherwise you may delay your graduation.

Get in touch


Professional Practicum Assistance

Alisa Taha - WIL Placement Coordinator

[email protected]

Professional Engineering Portfolio Assistance

Dianne Hesterman - Academic Coordinator

[email protected]