Beyond a Trade War: The Future of Chinese Economy

Event details


  • Wesfarmers Lecture Theatre, The University of Western Australia
  • Map location

Date and time

  • 6pm - 7pm
    Thursday, 11 April 2019

Event type

  • Business

Event Fee

  • Free


  • Registrations now open
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The UWA Business School Economics department invites you to the annual Bateman Lecture by Professor Shang-Jin Wei, Columbia University.

Professor Wei will dissect the view that the US-China trade is unbalanced and unfair in China’s favor. In addition, to resolve the trade tensions for greater fairness and efficiency, Professor Wei contends that a reciprocal and balanced approach requires policy changes on both sides and reforms of the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.

With the disappearance of cheap labor as its source of comparative advantage, China needs to move to an innovation based growth model, which is also a source of friction with the United States. Professor Wei assesses the likelihood of success for this transition and points to needed policy reforms.

Keynote | Professor Shang-Jin Wei

Professor Wei is a chaired professor of Chinese Business and Professor of Economy and Finance and Economics at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and School of International and Public Affairs. He was Chief Economist for Asian Development Bank and Director General of its Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department during 2014-2016. Prior to his Columbia appointment in 2007, he was Assistant Director and the Chief of Trade and Investment Division at the International Monetary Fund. He previously held the positions of Assistant and Associate Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University.