Asia-Pacific Family Business Symposium 2024

Event details


  • Online and in-person

Date and time

  • Professional Development Day

    Asia-Pacific Family Business Symposium
    Wednesday 26 September 2024
    (TIME TBC, Perth, Western Australia)


  • Researchers
  • Community
  • Professionals


  • Registration is essential

Professional Development Day

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Asia Pacific Family Business Symposium 2024 Virtual Symposium 

“Family Business and Ecosystem Dynamics: Past, Present and Future”

AFERN-Australasian Family Enterprise Research Network
Symposium Convenors: Associate Professor Donella Caspersz (University of Western Australia), Professor Francesco Chirico (Macquarie and Jonkoping University), Associate Professor Chris Graves (University of Adelaide)
Review Convenor: Associate Professor Hazel Ramos, University of Nottingham, Kuala Lumpur Research Student Consortium Convenor: Professor Pi-Shen Seet, Edith Cowan University

The ecosystem, or social context that surrounds entrepreneurial activity is characterised by the munificence of resources that foster this activity. Ecosystems exist at different levels; micro, meso and macro. Importantly, there are “ecosystem dynamics” that affect the ability of entrepreneurs to successfully manage and operate their businesses. There are two components to these dynamics: the first is the availability of social and economic resources such as human, financial capital and market knowledge, while the second is how cultural, social, economic, and political networks that are embedded in the “fabric” of the ecosystem milieu influence the accessibility of entrepreneurs to these resources.

Amongst these matters, family business entrepreneurs face an additional and unique influence; and that is, from the family itself. Considered as a resource, the family is also a crucial influence that affects the access by entrepreneurs to resources. However, when considering the family as both a resource and influence on ecosystem dynamics that affect family business management and operation, the lessons from scholarship thus far indicate that for family business the lessons from history that stem from the family’s specific ecosystem will also influence how family business entrepreneurs are able to access resources from within the ecosystem to successfully manage and operate their business.

Informed by this background, the 2024 Asia Pacific Family Business Symposium invites papers that broadly address this theme. Specific areas requiring attention may be:

  • How are focal groups such as indigenous family businesses influenced by ecosystem dynamics?

  • How is the future and next generation in a family business influenced by ecosystem dynamics?

  • How do ecosystem dynamics influence the sustainability of family businesses?

  • How do historical experiences that form a part of the ecosystem fabric influence the entrepreneurial endeavours of family businesses in that ecosystem?

Call for papers

Symposium programme
Download event programme

Abstract submission details
We welcome either in-progress or completed research from across the genres of case study, qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Submissions from high degree research students, academic and practitioners are welcome.

Refereed process
All papers will have two referee reports. All author’s submitting an abstract will be asked to participate in the referring process.

Abstract requirements

  • Length: 1500 words + references, figures, tables

  • Deadline: Friday 26 April 2024

  • Further Enquiries: [email protected]

Abstract template
Download abstract template

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