Health Professions Education
Lead and transform education in the health professions
If you are planning a career in health or already have a background in health or science and are interested in educational research around teaching and supervision in the health professions, our courses may interest you.
Our division of Health Professions Education provides undergraduate education in health humanities and offers postgraduate health professionals a unique pathway to become qualified in teaching, course design, leading and implementing educational change, and conducting research in education as health professionals.
The division has considerable expertise and experience in designing and delivering tailor-made programs and intensive short courses, aimed at teaching health professionals and leaders in the health education sector. Our courses can be delivered both face to face and online.
Our staff offer consultancy services on curriculum design and program evaluation
Our courses cater for a range of health professionals in different roles
Our graduates have enhanced capabilities as leaders, managers, researchers and educators
How health professions education students are impacting the world
Completing a degree in health professions education provides you with a unique pathway to become qualified in teaching, course design, leading and implementing educational change, and conducting research in education as a health professional.
UWA alumni Prattama Santoso Utomo from Indonesia and current student Mira Adhikari Baral from Nepal, embody the transformative impact of these courses and their impacts across the world.

One of the key strengths of the Master of Health Professions Education course relates to the varied educational and occupational backgrounds of the staff and students undertaking the course. I have found it invaluable to learn from the experiences of others, their perceived mistakes, the settings in which they have occurred and the overall outcomes achieved.Dr Andrew Lim, Consultant Rheumatologist
The course has given me the opportunity to apply the theory of teaching and learning in the workplace. It has opened my eyes to better ways of enhancing learning for therapists and it is rewarding to know I am now providing education with a sound theory behind it.Sonja de Munck, Occupational Therapist