Barry Marshall MicroBlitz Internship Morning Tea
20 October | 2 MINS
To celebrate the completion of the 2021 Semester 2 Barry Marshall MicroBlitz Internship a morning tea was held on Monday October 4th in the Robin Warren Library.
After an enthusiastic semester of lab intensives and community engagement training; culminating in a whole day of regional outreach to Pinjarra Senior High School, interns took a minute to relax and share their experiences with some special guests.
Program mentors, Professor Barry Marshall and Dr Andy Whiteley (CSIRO) presented interns with certificates of completion.
The morning tea was an opportunity to thank the 2021 funding partners, The McCusker Charitable Foundation and the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Education, Professor David Sadler.
Professor Barry Marshall, The Honorable Malcolm McCusker and Tonya McCusker and Professor David Sadler.
The internship provides undergraduate science students intensive training in microbiology and bioinformatics across both the Biomedical and Agricultural fields, as well as advancing their lab skills and science communication, through hands on community outreach with schools.
The Internship experience can help shape the career choices of the undergraduates and seeks to inspire high school students with STEM activities.
Since its inaugural semester in 2019 the internship has trained 40
interns and taken STEM activities and mentor talks to 2000 high school
students across metropolitan and regional WA.
The Internship provided me with the opportunity to engage with various other areas of scientific research and communication that I would have been unable to otherwise. It has been an amazing chance to meet, network and learn from those that work in these varied fields and has provided opportunities that will last after the internship concludes. JACK (INTERN)
The McCusker Foundation has confirmed that they will be continuing to support the MicroBlitz Internship in 2022 with a total value of $50,000.
Find out more about the MicroBlitz Internship.
Hannah Vu, Marketing Officer, 08 6457 4815