2022 Microblitz Excursion with Syrinx Environmental
5 April 2022 | 2 Mins
The Marshall Centre was pleased to invite a new cohort to the 2022 Microblitz Internship program, which to date, has seen 48 students graduate since the inception of the program with the Marshall Centre back in 2019.
Winner of the 2019 Work Integrated Learning Program, Microblitz provides undergraduate science students the opportunity to advance their lab skills, through a dynamic and structured program with a diverse range of valuable activities.
In February this year, the Microblitz interns had the opportunity to visit Syrinx Environmental, a sustainable and green infrastructure company and a sponsor for the Microblitz program. The students were given a tour of infrastructures design by Syrinx around the Perth community and made our young thinkers focus on how sustainable design can reduce the negative impact of urbanisation and climate change.
The interns visited two projects that Syrinx designed in the Perth Region. The first was the Australian Fine China (AFC) rainwater project in Subiaco that provides a sustainable solution for harvesting rainwater and addressing the microbial risks of reusing the collected water to augment the hot water supply to the apartments on site.
Rada Tomanovic from Syrinx Environmental explaining the Point Fraser Wetland in Perth CBD
Being a research and development company that operates from scientific first principals, Syrinx sees great potential in engaging with and supporting young scientists that we believe will shape our shared future, Ljiljana Pantelic, Associate Director of Syrinx Environmental said.
“The MicroBlitz program provides a wonderful opportunity for students to expand their skills in science understanding and communication, and an opportunity to broaden their working practical experience and their knowledge horizons. This quest for knowledge and knowledge-sharing is well aligned with Syrinx’s core principles and one of the key reasons we were happy to support the MicroBlitz program.
Ljiljana pantelic (associate director, syrinx environmental)
Ljiljana Pantelic from Syrinx Environmental explaining the Point Fraser Wetland in Perth CBD
The second project was the Point Fraser Wetland in Perth CBD. An integrated approach to designing recreational landscapes, that enriches biodiversity, restores ecological balance and reduces pollutant loadings in the Swan River.
The Microblitz program encourages students to attend these field trips to get hands-on experience and apply research methods connected to real world problems.
However, this not only benefits our students but also our donor programs showcasing their work within the community and future students.